For abrupt clozapine discontinuation for a reason unrelated to neutropenia, continuation of the existing ANC monitoring is recommended for general population patients until their ANC is ≥1500/µL and for BEN patients until their ANC is ≥1000/µL or above their baseline. Additional ANC monitorin...
For abrupt clozapine discontinuation for a reason unrelated to neutropenia, continuation of the existing ANC monitoring is recommended for general population patients until their ANC is ≥1500/μL and for BEN patients until their ANC is ≥1000/μL or above their baseline. Additional ANC monitoring ...
For abrupt clozapine discontinuation for a reason unrelated to neutropenia, continuation of the existing ANC monitoring is recommended for general population patients until their ANC is ≥1500/μL and for BEN patients until their ANC is ≥1000/μL or above their baseline. Additional ANC monitoring ...