The Clarkii Clownfish are very hardy and easy to care for. They make great fish for the beginning aquarist. These clowns are very easy to maintain, just make sure when purchasing to geta fish that is eating. You can ask the store to feed the tank just to be certain. A specimen should...
This aquarium staple can do well in a fish only tank or a mini reef. It is easy to care for and seems just as happy in a 10 gallon tank or 100 gallon tank. They are omnivores and will accept pretty much anything! Water movement should not be swift in the area they occupy, since ...
and accessories substrate the bottom of a pet clownfish's tank should be lined with at least 1–2 inches of a sand or gravel substrate that's safe for marine habitats. aquariums need about 1.5 pounds of substrate for each gallon of water in the tank. for example, a 10-gallon tank will...
for this study. All 6 pairs used in this study were observed spawning with fertilized eggs within one month prior to tissue collection. Fish were housed in twenty-gallon tall (24” x 12” x 16”) aquarium tanks integrated with a central circulating filtration system. Conditions mimicked theA...
Tank Size:55 gallons Quote:Tip Your Bartender! About Yourself:25 yr old bartender. i live with my boyfriend luke I have always wanted a saltwater aquarium and now i finally have the opportunity. there is no rushing this, i want it done right so it can live up to it's fullest potenti...
Some two days before the eggs are due to hatch in the main tank, set up a hatching/rearing tank. It need only be a 10 gallon, or slightly larger, aquarium furnished with a single airstone, heater/thermostat (or better still, an undertank heating mat) and a pygmy bulb for lighting. ...
Cinnamon Clownfish are omnivorous and semi-aggressive with other fish. You’ll need at least a 30-gallon tank for one of these guys to explore, and each one reaches an average of 4 inches as adults. These fish can live up to 17 years. ...
Maroon Clownfish are hardy and easy to keep as long as water conditions are acceptable. They make a great fish for the beginning aquarist, but they are aggressive which will limit the selection of tank mates. The biggest concern with these fish is if you are keeping a pair. A moody, agg...