Upon looking at it, the walls around Hank suddenly broke apart, while Tricky's laughing face started to flash on the computer screen screaming "OH TEH NOES!!". In a split-second, Hank is nearly run over by the suddenly appearing train passing by on railroad tracks which had not been ...
(Before you argue with him being called an “MTV star,” yes, The Cars had been around since the ‘70s, but they had one of the first videos that used computer graphics with the groundbreaking “You Might Think,” and it was during the filming of the “Drive” video that Ocasek met ...
Placed right after heavy hitter "Spit It Out" on the band’s self-titled effort, it'd be easy to suspect the two-and-a-half-minute track as album filler. But, on closer inspection, it has all the ingredients of Slipknot's identity, and it spreads them out like icing on a cake. ...