It does look genuinely creepy, and the costume and make-up are very well done, but sadly that doesn't make up for a bad script and poor direction. It just has no style. It's really by-the-numbers horror with an Eli Roth tinge. The worst part is, it isn't even scary. If you'...
Clowns (小丑)International (CI), a professional clown organization, has seen its membership fall greatly in recent years. And numbers at the World Clown Association (1) have dropped(drop)from 3,500 to 2,500. To make matters (2) worse(bad),few new clowns are coming into the profession. ...
In an interview with The New York Times, King predicted that Pennywise the Clown, the nefarious child-eating monster from "It" will stand the test of time, even if he doesn't. "When I was growing up, the big paperback writer was John D. MacDonald. When he died, his work pretty ...
Plush toys:In the event that your kid has a most loved toy or other little toys, placing it into the bustling pack can keep your youth locked in. Blocks:A pack of flashcards and a set of blocks can help your child practice matching colors, numbers, days of the week, or animals while...
Lots of ways to incorporate numbers, shapes, and colors! Print and laminate for re-use. This can be used for a fun activity at home, or in the class.This activity includes⭐️3 happy halloween signs ⭐️12 characters pumpkinfrankenstienvampirewitchwizardmummyclownalienrob ...
So in the spirit of all this, some requests for the big sites (FG, B-R, and BP), in roughly ascending order of how much work they are: Provide a good way for people to ask questions about your numbers. Mention it specifically in the contact page; make it an explicit employee job ...
It’s one of the more melodic numbers on ‘Iowa,’ but that doesn’t stop this one from hitting HARD. “You are wrong, fucked and overrated / I think I’m gonna be sick, and it’s your fault,” declares a despairing Corey Taylor on a song that some interpret as being about the ...
I would love the following numbers: 1,2,8,11,16,23,32,39,48,49,50,62,66,73 all on alligator clips with NO anti-slip guard (in case you use it) Just the plain alligator clips work best in her hair. I understand that they may take a while to make but we are looking forwards ...
A single number in parentheses means equal scaling in all directions, three numbers is independent scaling in X,Y,Z order. The scale is optional, default scale is 1.0 == no scale. Starting the line with the[BladeOnly]tag means that only the blade of the weapon will be scaled, a behavio...
I applaud hospitals for opening themselves to staff clown positions, and to the clowns who take on this healing work. And I want to put in an encouragement for each person, professional clown or not, to imagine that what they do each day can be a potent part of creating a context of ...