A baby born to non-consanguineous parents presented with a cloverleaf skull and Crouzon syndrome. Computed tomography scans revealed a trilobed configuration of the skull with a characteristic honeycomb appearance of increased craniolacunae (fig 1). The limbs …C-P Chen...
Cloverleaf Skull Deformity Syndrome Cloverleaf Skull Syndrome Cloverleaf Standardbred Owners Association Cloverleaf Structure cloverleaves cloverleaves cloverleaves cloveroot Clovers Clovers Clovers Cloverway International clovery Cloves Cloves Cloves Clovio, Giorgio Giulio Clovis Clovis Clovis Cannon AFB, New Mex...
A baby born to non-consanguineous parents presented with a cloverleaf skull and Crouzon syndrome. Computed tomography scans revealed a trilobed configuration of the skull with a characteristic honeycomb appearance of increased craniolacunae (fig 1). The limbs …...