This processor parses log events that are in JSON format. It can extract JSON key-value pairs and place them under a destination that you specify. Additionally, because you must have at least one parse-type processor in a transformer, you can use ParseJSON as that processor for JSON-format...
parse@message/(?<NetworkInterface>eni-.*?)/| display NetworkInterface, @message 注意 JSON 日誌事件會在擷取期間扁平化。目前不支援剖析具有 glob 表達式的巢狀JSON欄位。您只能剖析包含不超過 200 個JSON日誌事件欄位的日誌事件。當您剖析巢狀JSON欄位時,您必須在查詢中格式化規則運算式,以符合JSON日誌事件的格...
将数据插入es index的请求函数 func(es*ES)RequestIndex(jsonlogstrstring){req:=esapi.IndexRequest{Index:module.Configs.Index,Body:strings.NewReader(jsonlogstr),Refresh:"true",}res,err:=req.Do(context.Background(),es.Client)iferr!=nil{fmt.Println("request error")fmt.Println(err)os.Exit(1)}...
$docker run\--log-driver=awslogs \--log-opt awslogs-region=us-east-1 \--log-opt awslogs-group=myLogGroup \--log-opt awslogs-multiline-pattern='^INFO' \... This parses the logs into the following CloudWatch log events: #First eventINFO A message was logged#Second eventINFO Another...
$docker run\--log-driver=awslogs \--log-opt awslogs-region=us-east-1 \--log-opt awslogs-group=myLogGroup \--log-opt awslogs-multiline-pattern='^INFO' \... This parses the logs into the following CloudWatch log events: #First eventINFO A message was logged#Second eventINFO Another...
| parse @message '"ruleId":*}]}' as ruleMatchDetails | display @timestamp, httpRequest.clientIp,, ruleMatchDetails, httpRequest.requestId |limit 10 図4: 一致したルール ID とリクエスト ID を示す例 4 の Log Insights の結果 ...
sudo tee -a /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/etc/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.json <<-'EOF' { "logs": { "logs_collected": { "files": { "collect_list": [ { "file_path": "/logArchive/hcaextension/info*.log", "log_group_name": "RGC-Prod-3in1oven", ...
In the example, a function generates an unstructured log line with an embedded value. Over multiple invocations, this appears as follows in CloudWatch Logs: You can use the parse command in CloudWatch Logs Insights to extract data from a log field for further processing, by using either a glob...
/***.io:443)): Connection marked as failed because the onConnect callback failed: requires the default distribution of Elasticsearch. Please update to the default distribution of Elasticsearch for full access to all free features, or switch to the OSS distribution of 169.254....
Parse the data and additional processing, such as matching URLs to groups through regular expressions Calculate metrics such as the number of total requests, number of requests by HTTP status code and URL pattern etc. Send metric data to CloudWatch for alerting or visualizing ...