2022 年 4 月 21 日,EDB 发布了CloudNativePG——一个开源的Kubernetes操作符,为 Postgres数据库管理系统管理高可用的主/备集群架构。 CloudNativePG 遵循 Apache 2.0 许可协议,现在归一个新成立的项目贡献者社区拥有和管理。该社区遵循云原生计算基金会(CNCF)的坚实原则和价值观,其中包括开放性、公平性、包容性、技...
CloudNativePG is the Kubernetes operator designed for Postgres, 100% open source and community driven, proudly created by EDB. All components are available under the Apache 2 license on GitHub. EDB is a Silver member of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)....
4月 21 日,我们将 Cloud Native Postgres 改名为 CloudNativePG,将历史提交次数超过 1400 的代码库开源,发布了 1.15.0 版本,并提交给 CNCF。 Postgres + Kubernetes:民享 CloudNativePG 旨在确保每个人都可以着手在他们的所有应用中使用完全开源的 Postgres in Kubernetes技术栈,获得他们所要求的所有自由。这种模式赋...
Talking about CloudNativePG Absolutely everyone is welcome to come to any of our meetings. You never need an invitation to join us. In fact, we want you to join us, even if you don’t have anything you feel like you want to contribute. Just being there is enough!
EDB CloudNativePG Cluster is a Kubernetes operator maintained by EDB, the leader in Postgres, and designed for your mission-critical workloads. Take advantage of advanced security features like TDE, Oracle compatibility,long-term supportof versions, integration with Kubernetes level backup tools, and ...
chore(deps): update kubernetes csi (main) (cloudnative-pg#5480) Sep 10, 2024 internal feat: predefined cnpg-i plugins (cloudnative-pg#5418) Sep 10, 2024 licenses/go-licenses chore: refresh licenses directory (cloudnative-pg#3277) Nov 3, 2023 pkg fix: possible race in AvailableArchitecture...
CloudNativePG:一个面向Postgres的新Kubernetes操作符 2022 年 4 月 21 日,EDB 发布了CloudNativePG——一个开源的 Kubernetes 操作符,为 Postgres 数据库管理系统管理高可用的主/备集群架构。 http://t.cn/A6a...
cloudnative-pg.io 在 12月 2024的前 5 大競爭對手是:p2d2.cz、portworx.com、operatorhub.io、appscode.com 等。 根據Similarweb 每月造訪量的資料顯示,cloudnative-pg.io 在 12月 2024的主要競爭對手 p2d2.cz 有 602 次造訪量。cloudnative-pg.io相似程度第 2 名的網站為 portworx.com,12月 2024有 ...
12月 2024,cloudnative-pg.io 在程式設計和開發軟體類別中排名第 #4147,全球排名第 #885444。在此取得完整的 cloudnative-pg.io Analytics(分析)與市場佔有率詳細資料
CloudNativePG Helm ChartsOperator chartHelm chart to install the CloudNativePG operator, originally created and sponsored by EDB to manage PostgreSQL workloads on any supported Kubernetes cluster running in private, public, or hybrid cloud environments....