npm install cloudinary Usage Setup // Require the Cloudinary libraryconstcloudinary=require('cloudinary').v2 Transform and Optimize Assets See full documentation. cloudinary.url("sample.jpg",{width:100,height:150,crop:"fill",fetch_format:"auto"}) ...
Cloudinary NPM for node.js integration readme Cloudinary Node SDKAboutThe Cloudinary Node SDK allows you to quickly and easily integrate your application with Cloudinary. Effortlessly optimize, transform, upload and manage your cloud's assets.Note...
npm i @fluidjs/multer-cloudinary cloudinary Benefits: Simplified integration Streamlined workflow Customizable options Type safety and improved code maintainability (TypeScript) Usage Set Up Cloudinary Credentials: Create a .env file in your project's root directory (exclude it from version control). ...
Cloudinary提供了基于URL和HTTP的API,可以轻松地与任何Web开发框架集成。 对于Node.js,Cloudinary提供了扩展以进一步简化集成。 入门指南 看看我们。 设置 npm install cloudinary 立即尝试 注册一个以便您可以尝试通过CDN进行图像转换和无缝图像传递。 注意:将以下所有示例中的demo替换点...
npm install cloudinaryTry it right awaySign up for a free account so you can try out image transformations and seamless image delivery through CDN.Note: Replace demo in all the following examples with your Cloudinary's cloud name.Accessing an uploaded image with the sample public ID through a ...
我上传了一些图片到cloudinary -尝试操作(裁剪)图像,但得到相同的图像url (未裁剪)- cloudinary npm中的bug或我遗漏了什么?var cloudinary = require('cloudinary');var sourceUrl = cloudinaryImageDetails.url; var croppedUrl= cloudinary.url(sourceUrl, ...
Cloudinary NPM for node.js integration. Contribute to cloudinary/cloudinary_npm development by creating an account on GitHub.
使用Node.js获取上传视频的Cloudinary URL可以通过以下步骤实现: 1. 首先,确保已经安装了Node.js,并在项目中使用npm或yarn安装了cloudinary模块。可以使用以...
在cloudinary 注册并创建一个新帐户(如果您没有)。 2.安装cloudinary sdk 您可以使用npm或yarn安装cloudinary sdk: npm install cloudinary 3. 配置cloudinary 您可以创建一个配置文件来保存您的 cloudinary 凭据。将它们保存在环境变量中是一个很好的做法。 在项目根目录中创建一个 .env.local 文件并添加您的 ...
npm install Proceed to install thecloudinary-reactdependency with: npm i cloudinary-react Include Cloudinary’scloud nameas an environment variable. To do this, first create a .env file in the root directory, and in this file, add the following snippet: ...