The HTTP status code for which you want to specify a custom error page and/or a caching duration. Type: Integer Required: Yes ErrorCachingMinTTL The minimum amount of time, in seconds, that you want CloudFront to cache the HTTP status code specified in ErrorCode. When this time period ...
If you configure CloudFront to return a custom error page for an HTTP status code but the custom error page isn’t available, CloudFront returns to the viewer the status code that CloudFront received from the origin that contains the custom error pages. For example, suppose your custom origin ...
Figure 1: End-users only receive the default HTTP 403 error page. In the preceding architecture, the example customer has set up AWS WAF on Amazon CloudFront distribution. Currently, the customer cannot show their end-user’s client a custom error page base...
Figure 1: End-users only receive the default HTTP 403 error page. In the preceding architecture, the example customer has set up AWS WAF on Amazon CloudFront distribution. Currently, the customer cannot show their end-user’s client a custom error page based...
然后选择最适合您的用例的方法。 用Webiny构建的应用程序,我们尝试了“
Single page web app with Serverless Framework and CloudFront Generating S3 signed URLs using Lambda@Edge and Serverless Framework Setting up a custom domain name for AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway using CloudFront and Serverless Framework
'CustomErrorResponses': { 'Quantity': 123, 'Items': [ { 'ErrorCode': 123, 'ResponsePagePath': 'string', 'ResponseCode': 'string', 'ErrorCachingMinTTL': 123 }, ] }, 'Comment': 'string', 'Logging': { 'Enabled': True|False, 'IncludeCookies': True|False, 'Bucket': 'string', ...
CORS-CustomOrigin 包含Origin标头,适用于自定义源启用跨源资源共享 CORS。 CORS-S3Origin 适用于S3源启用跨源资源共享 CORS。 AllViewer 适用于动态请求的源站,源站可以获取查询字符串和Cookie等信息。 Elemental-MediaTailor-PersonalizedManifests 适用于Amazon Elemental MediaTailor 终端节点的源 如果需要自定义源请求... 内容更新 当源站静态内容更新时,如何让客户端在 TTL 失效时间前即可拿到最新版本的内容是每一位开发者关心的问题,在 CloudFront 有两种方式。
Go to the Dashboard of your Centrify admin page Click Web Apps from the LHS. Click Add Web App and select the Custom Tab. Add an OpenID Connect webapp and click Yes to confirm. Fill in naming and logo information and then switch to the Trust tab. Enter service provider information. In...