{"Type":"AWS::RDS::DBParameterGroup","Properties":{"DBParameterGroupName":String,"Description":String,"Family":String,"Parameters":Json,"Tags":[Tag, ... ]} } YAML Type:AWS::RDS::DBParameterGroupProperties:DBParameterGroupName:StringDescription:StringFamily:StringParameters:JsonTags:-Tag ...
myDB: Type: AWS::RDS::DBInstance Properties: AllocatedStorage: '5' DBInstanceClass: db.t2.small Engine: MySQL EngineVersion: '5.5' MasterUsername: MyName MasterUserPassword: MyPassword 这里其实隐含了一个特性,就是AWS在创建、更新、删除资源的时候默认是并行的,也就是尽可能同时创建所有资源。使用De...
"DBClusterParameterGroupName": "default.aurora-mysql5.7", "Engine": "aurora-mysql", "EngineVersion": "5.7.mysql_aurora.2.10.0" } }, "RDSDBInstance": { "Type": "AWS::RDS::DBInstance", "Properties": { "Engine": "aurora-mysql", "DBClusterIdentifier": { "Ref": "RDSCluster" }, ...
Give the Lambda function permissions to access the SSM Parameter storepython cfh.py -cf usecase2.json -link mySSMParameterStore usecase2lambda This use case will create a EC2 server. Without specifying the Vpc or subnet, it will add parameters to the template. ...
AWSTemplateFormatVersion:"2010-09-09"Description:Using existing secure and non-secure SSM Parameters in CloudFormation## This template creates a MariaDB RDS instance using the following:# A non-secure SSM Parameter for the DB instance class# A secure SSM Parameter for the ma...
This parameter set will be checked into source control and so should have no secrets in it! This is for configuration parameters like: VPC CIDR block allocation Autoscaling group sizes Instance sizes Domain names (for feeding into Route 53) The AWS region of this stack is exposed in your ...
on_failure- (Optional) Action to be taken if stack creation fails. This must be one of:DO_NOTHING,ROLLBACK, orDELETE. Conflicts withdisable_rollback. parameters- (Optional) A list of Parameter structures that specify input parameters for the stack. ...
"DBParameterGroupName": { "Ref": "myRDSParamGroup" } } } 一切正常。但我需要在创建数据库时在数据库上运行初始 SQL,以设置我的应用程序架构。我当前的方法是让应用程序自行迁移,但我想在 CloudFormation 定义中进行。这可能吗? 请您参考如下方法: ...