cloudflaredtunnel--urllocalhost:8080/ 效果 说明 基于cloudflared tunne 快速创建可外网访问的服务是很方便的,免费,而且支持https,很值得试用下 参考资料
要查看Cloudflare Tunnel的完整日志,你可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 1. 确认Cloudflare Tunnel正在运行 首先,你需要确认Cloudflare Tunnel服务正在运行。你可以通过以下命令来检查Tunnel服务的状态(假设你已经安装了cloudflared并且Tunnel正在运行): bash cloudflared tunnel status 这个命令会显示当前Tunnel的状态信息,包括是否正...
如果一切正常,您应该能够看到您的PROXMOX虚拟机界面,并且可以像在本地网络中一样进行操作。需要注意的是,由于Cloudflared Tunnel使用了Cloudflare的服务,因此您需要确保您的网络环境允许通过Cloudflare的IP地址进行访问。此外,由于Cloudflare可能会对您的流量进行扫描和过滤,因此请确保您的网络环境中不存在任何可能被视为违规...
2)登录 # 执行以下命令后会弹出一个url,将url复制到浏览器打开并授权即可。 cloudflared tunnel login 3)创建一个隧道,并记录返回的uuid和配置文件路径 cloudflared tunnel create <tunnel-name> # 返回如下信息 Tunnelcredentialswritten to /home/pi/.cloudflared/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX.json. cloud...
You can also usecloudflaredto access Tunnel origins (that are protected withcloudflared tunnel) for TCP traffic at Layer 4 (i.e., not HTTP/websocket), which is relevant for use cases such as SSH, RDP, etc. Such usages are available undercloudflared access help. ...
Now we need to create a tunnel. To do this we will run another command from the unraid terminal docker run -it --rm -v /mnt/user/appdata/cloudflared:/home/nonroot/.cloudflared/ cloudflare/cloudflared:2021.6.0 tunnel create TUNNELNAME This will create your tunnels UUID.json file, whi...
vite-cloudflared-tunnel A Vite Plugin on top of cloudflared-tunnel package to serve your localhost to the outside world during development. vite cloudflare tunnel cloudflared cloudflared-tunnel vite-plugin vite-plugin-cloudflared-tunnel ahmedrowaihi• 1.0.2 • a year ago • 0 dependents ...
ダッシュボードからローカル管理の Cloudflare Tunnel をConfigureします。 移行に関する注意書きをよく読んでから、Start migrationに進みます。 khayama-tunnelの移行 khayama-tunnelはローカルに設定されたトンネルであるため、ゼロトラストダッシュボードから管理することはできません。
WAC (ver 2311) does not load with the Cloudflare tunnel, on the local network or internet using the public IP and port, it works normally. When redirecting to the tunnel, the page loads in a loop (starting Windows Admin Center).
WAC (ver 2311) does not load with the Cloudflare tunnel, on the local network or internet using the public IP and port, it works normally. When redirecting to the tunnel, the page loads in a loop (starting Windows Admin Center).