在Windows默认的安装位置在C:\Program Files\Cloudflare\Cloudflare WARP 首次打开软件,会注册设备。这是全新的账户,进入后可以更换为其他账户。注册设备时可能需要挂梯。 进入后,连接的时候也会需要FQ。电脑平台在连接Warp时,可以使用其他代理软件,但是安卓平台一旦连接新的VPN就会断开原有的代理链接,可以参考这篇文章局...
1. Get Cloudflare WARP for Windows from the Microsoft App Center. 2. To install WARP, go to the download folder and run the executable file. 3. To finish the set-up, follow the directions. The Cloudflare logo will instantly show in the menu bar when Cloudflare WARP begins. 4....
2. iOS操作系统:(1)在App Store中搜索“Cloudflare Warp”;(2)下载并安装Cloudflare Warp客户端;(3)打开客户端,输入您的Cloudflare账号和密码进行登录;(4)点击“连接”按钮,等待连接成功。3. Android操作系统:(1)访问Google Play商店,
Download Windows Speedup Tool to fix errors and make PC run faster Cloudflare WARPis more than just a VPN. It uses the service of Cloudflare and, at the same time, optimizes and encrypts your connection. What’s good about this tool is that it uses, which is way quic...
Cloudflare WARP is an Internet Performance and Security tool, it delivers faster and safer internet to everyone. WARP application also comes with Cloudflare’s blazing fast public DNS (, WARP app can be used to encrypt and enhance your internet t
Cloudflare WARP VPN 電腦版: 網站: 下載直接進到網站,就在右下角就會有可以選擇要下載的系統版本了。 不論是 macOS 或 Windows,在安裝後都會在系統狀態列上看到圖示,點擊後按繼續及接受隱私條款就可以使用了。 接下來就打開 WARP 可以了,只有一個開關,不用選任何東西,伺服器的節點會自...
可选择现实4:通过在VPS安装WARP全局双栈V4+V6功能,即访问非CF网站的客户端优选IP的落地IP(104.28……/2a09:……)现实固定,或访问CF网站的proxyip的落地IP(104.28……/2a09:……)现实WARP解锁功能效果 搭建proxyip与反代ip的脚本推荐:x-ui-yg脚本、sing-box-yg脚本 相关操作请看视频教程 七:客户端推荐 启用...
“We always wanted to build a WARP client for macOS and Windows. We started with mobile because it was the hardest challenge. And it turned out to be a lot harder than we anticipated. While we announced the beta of with WARP on April 1, 2019 it took us until late September ...
Download and install the WARP client for Windows PC now! with WARP for Desktop replaces the connection between your device and the Internet with a modern, optimized, protocol. with WARP prevents anyone from snooping on you by encrypting more of the traffic leaving your device....
Downloading the WARP client for Windows and MacOS currently requires an account to download from Microsoft App Center. An account should not be required. This is currently under investigation.While we work to resolve this issue, downloads of the latest release for Windows and macOS continue to be...