你可以在Cloudflare Zero Trust创建一个self-hosted application用来保护对home-ubuntu.example.com的访问。 使用Cloudflare Tunnel 内网穿透SMB 请参考Connect to SMB server with cloudflared access,几乎没有什么区别。 为SMB创建Cloudflare Tunnel后,在客户端安装Cloudflared, 将目标Tunnel转发到本地。比如, cloudflared ...
Magic Static Routes + GRE Tunnel Config UI is now live Magic Transit and Magic WAN customers can now view and update their static route and GRE tunnel configuration with a new section in the Cloudflare dashboard. This new UI allows customers to view and edit existing route and tunnel informat...
Our new onboarding guide walks through each command required to create, route, and run your tunnel successfully while also highlighting relevant validation commands to serve as guardrails along the way. Once completed, you’ll be able to view and manage your newly established tunnels. View ...
The server has plenty of memory, cpu, and bandwidth, and none of the other things on the server experienced packet loss when the tunnel went down. We're worried this will keep happening and we'll have to move off Cloudflare entirely, but would really like to avoid that as tunnels are q...
1. Installcloudflaredon key server First, installcloudflaredon your key server. This process differs depending on whether you are using thecommand lineor theCloudflare dashboard. 2. Create a Tunnel Then, create a Cloudflare Tunnel. This process differs depending on whether you are using thecommand...
Windows下我用的PowerShell 7.1.3,首先需要登录cloudflare账户,会自动打开默认浏览器登录。不建议用随机分配的域名,每次重启软件都会再次随机域名。 代码语言:javascript 复制 cloudflared login 浏览器中选择tunnel绑定那个域名,点击授权。首次运行cloudflared之后会在同目录下生成config.yml,运行多条隧道需要配置该文件。
I would like to change that and use the Cloudflare tunnel. I chose the installation method via Docker, but it has been unable to install for over an hour. It stopped at some point and stands still. I am using a vps server on az.pl. Port 7844 UDP and 7844 TCP are not used The ...
安装Cloudflare Tunnel 客户端(cloudflared)。 # 对于 Ubuntu 系统,可使用以下命令安装 cloudflaredsudoapt-getinstallcloudflared 1. 2. 使用以下命令在您的服务器上创建隧道(Tunnel)。 # 创建隧道cloudflared tunnel create mytunnel# 我们为隧道指定一个名称:mytunnel ...
本地内网有一台Linux服务器。CentOS、Ubuntu、Debian都无所谓,树莓派也没问题。Web网站正常跑,内网能正常访问。 安装Cloudflared Cloudflared是Cloudflare Tunnel的一个本地cli客户端,可以实现管理功能和守护程序。 macOS可以用homebrew安装 brew install cloudflared ...
./cloudflared.exe tunnel create<你想要的隧道名称> 创建一个隧道 然后你需要配置域名方面 打开 Cloudflare 的DNS面板,如果你是第三方托管打开第三方 DNS 面板 新建一个 CNAME 记录 记录名随便 记录类型选择 CNAME 记录内容写 你刚才从终端创建隧道时的 ID.cfargotunnel.com ID 怎么获取呢? 你创建隧道时的 xxxxx...