因为nginx 使用 url 作为缓存的key ( Nginx 将url地址 md5后作为缓存的 key ),所以默认情况下 Nginx...
按照文档中所说检查过 config.json,确认过正确了 site_url。 按照文档中所说的设置了 Nginx 的配置,不过有些导致了奇怪的情况,因此最终没有添加进去。 删除容器与数据卷并重新创建,在创建容器后只修改了用户名与密码。 Nginx Proxy Manager 中的设置 real_ip_header CF-Connecting-ip; proxy_set_header X-Forwa...
Argo Tunnel ensures that no visitor or attacker can reach your web server unless they first pass through Cloudflare. 使用安装在原始基础设施(包括容器或虚拟机)上的轻量级代理,Cloudflare 在其最近的数据中心和应用程序的源服务器之间创建加密隧道,而无需打开公共入站端口。 Read the Developer DocumentationRead...
Nginx proxy server in a Docker container to Authenticate & Proxy requests to Ollama from Public Internet via Cloudflare Tunnel proxy-servercloudflare-tunnelollamaollama-api UpdatedFeb 13, 2025 Dockerfile jonas-merkle/container-cloudflare-tunnel
tunnel_name catch_all_service nginx_proxy_manager post_quantum run_parameters log_level Overview: Add-on configuration Note: Remember to restart the add-on when the configuration is changed. Example add-on configuration: external_hostname: ha.example.com additional_hosts: - hostname: router.exampl...
创建Cloudflare Tunnel 登录cloudflare dashboard,进入Zero Trust,选择免费计划。 创建Tunnel 保存token备用 设置public hostname。一般设置每个Tunnels对应一个子域名对应一个服务。后续可以添加更多tunnels。 这里我先添加群晖管理页面,因此type为http。如果需要rdp、smb、ssh等,根据需求设置即可。
image:'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest' container_name:npm restart:unless-stopped network_mode:host volumes: -/home/docker/npm/data:/data -/home/docker/npm/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt tunnel: container_name:tunnel image:cloudflare/cloudflared ...
本教程使用 cf tunnel 搭建哪吒探针,只需要使用一个域名,面板和客户端均可以使用 docker 进行安装。先来两张效果图: 如果你还没使用过 cf tunnel,可以参考 Cloudflare tunnel 内网穿透简单使用。当然,我这里使用的是配置文件的方式,可能有些许不同,但是界面上可以一样的操作。 1. tunnel以及nginx配置 由于哪吒探针...
1. Firstly, make sure Ansible is on the computer. Additional requirements that are particular to the Cloudflare API module might also need to be installed. We can accomplish this using either the appropriate Python package manager (like pip) or the package manager provided by the operating system...
Hi, At the outset, let me say that I am a beginner. I am currently using Nginx Proxy Manager to redirect subdomains to the appropriate ip port for a given container. I would like to change that and use the Cloudflare tunnel. I chose the ...