I can access the nextcloud instance on the local network with no problem but trying to access it via the cloudflare tunnel domain gives me a 502 error. The output of your Nextcloud log inAdmin > Logging: {"reqId":"cCVAFQ2l4o3OOcWkltnn","level":3,"time":"2023-07-08T09:19:11+00:...
If I obtain access I will check using the mastercontainers IP. This is my last straw. Make sure that you are not behind CGNAT. If that is the case, you will not be able to open ports properly. In that case you might use a Cloudflare Tunnel. I am using cloudflare, done. If you ...
My hope was to get into the container to see if I could ping the IP address of the container that is running the service I’m trying to expose. Then I learned you can do that with this command:docker exec cloudflared-tunnel ping [the name of the container ...
等到成功之后,home页面状态会从pending变成active。此时便可以开始设置tunnel。点击Zero trust进入第二步。 Active 步骤二:设置Tunnel的Team 在我配置的时候,也找过网上一些信息。但是发现随着cloudflare面板的更新,很多教程都已经是货不对版。我这版教程在2022.12.4日是和官网一模一样的,但是随着后面的更新我也不确定是...