When Cloudflare is a reverse proxy, our IP addresses may appear in WHOIS and DNS records for websites using our Services. We are a conduit for information controlled by others. It is our Customers and their users who are responsible for the content transmitted across our network (e.g., im...
When Cloudflare is a reverse proxy, our IP addresses may appear in WHOIS and DNS records for websites using our Services. We are a conduit for information controlled by others. It is our Customers and their users who are responsible for the content transmitted across our network (e.g., im...
Cloudflare DDNS bash Script for most Linux distributions and MacOS. Choose any source IP address to update external or internal (WAN/LAN). Cloudflare's options proxy and TTL configurable via the parameters.macos linux debian ubuntu ddns cloudflare bash-script cloudflare-api cloudflare-dns cloudflare-...
CloudFlare 的 DNS 在銜接時相當流暢,從原本的 DNS 代管供應商,托管至 CloudFlare 不需要一分鐘。在 DNS 接入後,網站資料也幾近於即時更新的狀態,不會有過時資訊的產生。 CloudFlare 在代管 DNS 後,主機的 ip 位址即更換為 CloudFlare 提供的 ip 位址。若是在家自架主機,有需求隱藏自己的主機 ip 位址,也可運用...
If you have multiple IP addresses and want to load balance between them, you can use the loadBalancing option. This will create a CNAME record for each subdomain that points to the subdomain with the lowest IP address. 📜 Example config to support load balancing { "cloudflare": [ { "au...
The 2023 Cloudflare Radar Year in Review is our fourth annual review of Internet trends and patterns observed throughout the year at both a global and country/region level across a variety of traffic, connectivity, and speed metrics, based on data from C
Company About Cloudflare Our team Investor relations Press Careers Diversity, equity & inclusion Impact/ESG Network Map Logos & press kit Become a partner © 2025 Cloudflare, Inc. | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Report Security Issues |Cookie Preferences| Trademark ...
Therefore, anyone lurking on network paths between your device and DNS resolvers can view queries that contain hostnames -- or website addresses requested -- and IP addresses. DNS over HTTPS (DoH) and DNS over TLS (DoT), were engineered to safeguard these paths through Internet Engineering...
No extra charge. Want 50 servers all with different IP addresses under that domain? No extra charge. Where you *will* pay is for monitoring and requests as you’ll see in the next section. Pricing – In Depth Cloudflare To use GeoDNS with Cloudflare you have to make use of the Load ...
Persistence with a sqlite database to store old IP addresses and previous update status Docker healthcheck verifying the DNS resolution of your domains Highly configurable Setup To setup your domains initially, see theDomain set upsection.