Cloudflare is a company based in America that deals with the security of the web. It is used to provide internet security for businesses, non-profit organizations, bloggers and others. However, the services are so good that they hide your real identity online, well sort of! Your IP address ...
使用cloudflare 后,PHP 获取用户真实请求 IP 之前是使用 PHP 的 BUG 之王框架 ThinkPHP 的 get_client_ip 的实现,利用 $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] 获取到的是 cloudflare 的节点 IP,而不是用户的真实请求 IP 日本 东京都 东京 === 日本 东京都 东京 cloudflare....
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Zero-Downtime Failover builds on this capability by allowing us to try a new server in real-time before we return an error to the end-user. Customers who enable Cloudflare Load Balancing and/or add multiple 'A' records for a given domain in their DNS settings will see the most benefit ...
This project aims to modify your nginx configuration to let you get the real ip address of your visitors. - ergin/nginx-cloudflare-real-ip
编译好了ngx_,现在我们只需要在Nginx配置文件中添加set_real_ip_from代码,示例如下: 复制复制复制复制复制复制 复制 set_real_ip_from111.111.111.111;#这里是需要填写具体的CDN服务器IP地址,可添加多个set_real_ip_from222.222.111.111;real_ip_header X-Forwarded-F...
一、Nginx编译ngx_http_realip_module 1.1 Oneinstack编译 1.2 LNMP编译 1.3 BT宝塔面板 二、Nginx设置set_real_ip_from 三、Apache配置mod_remoteip模块 3.1 apache 2.4 3.2 apache 2.2 四、网站仅允许Cloudflare CDN的IP访问 五、总结 近期在其云否维护客户的网站时,客户要求屏蔽国外IP的访问,因为从日志来看攻...
Cloudflare is making it even easier to get connected with the Magic WAN Connector: a lightweight software package you can install in any physical or cloud network to automatically connect, steer, and shape any IP traffic. Learn more Preview any Cloudflare product today ...
Nginx ,为 21.20%。 Cloudflare 成立于 2009 年,是美国的一家网站安全和托管服务提供商。20 ...
Cloudflare IP resolver helps you check whether a website is using Cloudflare CDN service. If it is, show the website real IP address behind the Cloudflare server. You will also have a list of suggestion DNS records with their ip address to give you more clue on guessing the real ip ...