兼容性:Cloudflare-DDNS与QNAP和Synology等NAS设备的自托管功能完美兼容。您可以在设备上运行自定义脚本,通过Cloudflare-DDNS API与Cloudflare的DynDNS服务进行通信。 安全性:作为领先的网络安全公司,Cloudflare提供了强大的DDoS保护和加密DNS服务,确保您的DynDNS记录安全无虞。 易用性:Cloudflare-DDNS的API设计简洁明了,易于...
Cloudflare 会自动扫描你的 DNS 记录,并自动导入到 Cloudflare 的配置中。扫描完成后点击 "继续" 按钮。 回到你的域名注册商,修改域名的 NS 服务器为 Cloudflare 的 NS 服务器。 回到Cloudflare ,点击 "检查名称服务器" ,激活你的网站。 创建令牌 - 已生成的可跳过,用于DDNS ...
sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/joshuaavalon/SynologyCloudflareDDNS/master/cloudflareddns.sh -O /sbin/cloudflareddns.sh 关闭自动开启「CDN」:脚本中默认会将「代理状态」设置为「已代理」,但你可能并不想这样做,所以可以使用命令修改脚本中的第 6 行,这样就不会自动开启代理状态。 sudo sed -i...
Synology Dynamic DNS Native Agent for Cloudflare (Multidomains & Subdomains) This project is based on my PHP version of the agent: https://github.com/mrikirill/SynologyDDNSCloudflareMultidomain Documentation website: https://mrikirill.github.io/KTSynologyDDNSCloudflareMultidomain/ Why this project?
- --providers.file.directory=/rules # Load dynamic configuration from one or more .toml or .yml files in a directory. # - --providers.file.filename=/path/to/file # Load dynamic configuration from a file. - --providers.file.watch=true # Only works on top level files in the rules fol...
Cloudflare API v4 Dynamic DNS Update in Bash cloudflare bash-script cloudflare-api ddns-updater cloudflare-ddns Updated Jan 31, 2021 Shell xUnholy / k8s-gitops Sponsor Star 121 Code Issues Pull requests Open Update DEX with custom frontend theme 1 xUnholy commented Nov 8, 2020 Details...
How to install “sh” on your Synology NAS How to use “acme.sh” to generate a Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate (via the DNS-01 challenge) for the domain name that you’re using on your Synology NAS How to install the “acme.sh” generated Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate on your Synol...
HOSTNAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST='nohost' # [The hostname does not exist, or does not have Dynamic DNS enabled.] HOSTNAME_BLOCKED='abuse' # [DDNS service for the hostname has been blocked for abuse.] HOSTNAME_FORMAT_IS_INCORRECT='notfqdn' # [The format of hostname is not correct] ...
Docker DDNS- Docker image to use the free DNS Service as a dynamic DNS provider. DDNS script for Synology- DDNS script for Synology NAS. Dynamic DNS Bash- Dynamic DNS updater in bash script. Dynamic DNS PHP- Dynamic DNS updater in PHP. ...
A PHP script for Synology DSM (and potentially Synology SRM devices) adding support for Cloudflare to Network Centre > Dynamic DNS (DDNS). Supports single domains, multidomains, subdomains and regional domains, or any combination thereof (example: dev.my.domain.com.au, domain.com.uk etc) ...