[Load] Can't guess file format: unhandled file extension 'pcd libQPCL_PLUGIN.so and libQPCL_IO_PLUGIN.so have been installed Your Environment CC Version: 2.10.alpha OS & Version: ubuntu16.04 Graphics card: 1060 PCL 1.8.1 self-assigned this rjanvieradded themore info required commented Than...
Error occurred while loading pcd file [Load] Can't guess file format: unhandled file extension'pcd' Sovled by answer[4] The stable version of CC can not open pcd file. Switch it to edge version by sudo snap refresh --edge cloudcompare NOTE: Edge verstion dosen't stable when saving .pc...
その際にPCDで保存したかったがPCD形式での保存が選べなかった. また,PCD形式のファイルを読み込もうとすると以下のエラーが発生した. [Load] Can't guess file format: unhandled file extension 'pcd' ##原因 sudo apt-get install cloudcompareでインストールしてしまっていたことで,関連のソ...
PCD files generated with PCL 1.8 in PointXYZRGB format does not show colors (all black) in CloudCompare. PCD files saved with PCL 1.6.0 shows right in CloudCompare. PCD file from PCL 1.6.0 # .PCD v0.7 - Point Cloud Data file format VERSI...