1. 云使能 第一个层面是提供“云使能(Cloud-Enabled)”的GIS平台——这是当时的叫法,翻译得可能不尽准确——它的意思就是让GIS平台 … miit.ccidnet.com|基于26个网页 2. 云端使能 程式本身必须准备好在云端服务的环境中执行,也就是所谓的「云端使能(Cloud-enabled)」,这是最佳化运用云端运算资源 … ...
A foundation for secure, high-performance D&AD&A professionals in KPMG member firms provide business integration services complemented by Microsoft's technology to create a foundation for secure, integrated, and high-performance solutions that help solveD&A challenges. Platform services includeKPMG–...
Seamlessly extend your data center to the cloud Relieve your overloaded primary storage. Establish a low-cost DR site. Process and protect your data with unique cloud-based services. Dell Technologies Cloud-enabled infrastructure from Dell EMC puts the cloud to work for you, adding value to your...
Connect to Atomos Cloud Studio to subscribe to camera-to-cloud, remote collaboration and review, cloud editing, live production, and streaming. All Products
Is the pandemic a “break the glass” scenario for cloud-enabled R&D in LSHC? The technology to bring together real-world and clinical data, securely, at scale, and at velocity—the cloud—has been there all along. By urgent necessity, the pandemic has hypercharged this transformation for...
Cloud-Enabled CAD: How to switch your Solid Edge license URL Name cloud-enabled-cad-how-to-switch-your-solid-edge-license Summary Briefly describe the article. The summary is used in search results to help users find relevant articles. You can improve the accuracy ...
We propose a novel cloud-enabled system that enables such immersive audio-visual scenarios on untethered mixed reality devices for the first time. Talk and Demo can be viewed here (opens in new tab) We propose a novel system architecture where an “acoustic map” in t...
Cloud-enabled CAD gives you flexibility to access 3D CAD anywhere, complete cloud-enabled design tasks, and collaborate using cloud-based file sharing software.
Five Fast Facts: Cloud-Enabled Analysis 3DEXPERIENCE® Works Simulation puts the most powerful, accurate analysis capabilities in your hands with the high-performance, ... EBooks Simulation-Driven Design with 3DEXPERIENCE Works Simulation is a powerful tool to analyze and ... ...