本篇文章將示範如何建立一個 Web Cloud Service 應用程式並部署到 Azure Service Developer Portal 上。 1. 開啟 Visual Studio,新增專案,選擇 Web Cloud Service 的範本。(這些範本需安裝 Azure Tool for VS 才會出現) 2. 在方案總管中即可看到自動建立的兩個專案。 下方的專案(HelloCloud_WebRole)為一個 ASP....
A lot of people don't use Azure Preview Portal due to sheer habit. Let me tell you, if you are not using the Azure Preview Portal you are basically missing out a lot of fun around. Now the good old CloudServices is part of the portal as well...
Azure portal にアクセスし、新しいクラウド サービスを作成します。 クラウド サービスの構成、パッケージ、定義ファイルを追加します。 すべてのフィールドの入力を終えたら、[確認と作成] タブに移動してデプロイ構成を検証し、クラウド サービス (延長サポート) で[オートメーション...
Cloud services require a .pfx file with a private key. You can upload the certificates to Azure as you create and deploy the cloud service.Create and deploySign in to the Azure portal. Choose Create a resource > Compute, and then scroll down to and select Cloud Service. In the new ...
Browse an A-to-Z directory of generally available Microsoft Azure cloud computing services--app, compute, data, networking, and more.
Storage表示Windows Azure存储服务 Networks里,用户可以配置虚拟网络(Virtual Network)等新功能 Media Services则是Windows Azure 的媒体服务。 如果我点击某一列,则会显示其详细的内容。比如我点击SQL Databases,结果如下图: 我们可以看到,Management Portal会显示已经创建成功的SQL Databases(云端数据库),每个数据库的状态...
Azure pricing Free Azure services Flexible purchase options FinOps on Azure Optimize your costs Solutions and support Solutions Resources for accelerating growth Solution architectures Support Azure demo and live Q&A Partners Azure Marketplace Find a partner ...
8.Create Certificate命名为LeiAzureCer,然后点击OK 9.创建完Certificate后,在下图的内容里,我们选择"Copy the full path"。 创建完的cer文件路径就被复制到了剪切板里。 10.请不要关闭VS2010。我们登陆Windows Azure Management Portal:https://manage.windowsazure.com/。
Azure pricing Free Azure services Flexible purchase options FinOps on Azure Optimize your costs Solutions and support Solutions Resources for accelerating growth Solution architectures Support Azure demo and live Q&A Partners Azure Marketplace Find a partner ...
After you create a cloud service that is running your application, you can remotely access a role instance to configure settings in the virtual machine or troubleshoot issues. To do this, you must ensure that you upload the appropriate certificate to the Azure Management Portal, encrypt the pass...