2013. "A Reference Architecture for Cloud Service Offers." Presented at the 17th IEEE International EDOC Conference, Vancouver.S. Gudenkauf, M. Josefiok, A. Goring, and O. Norkus, "A reference architecture for cloud service offers," in Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC), ...
A mildly opiniated modern cloud service architecture blueprint & reference implementation Dev stack C#, .Net Core 2.x, EnsureThat, Serilog, Mediator, FluentValidation, AutoMapper, xUnit, Shouldly, NSubstitute Architectural concepts architectural style: hexagonal/onion ...
The reference architecture developed by us builds on the Spring Cloud ecosystem. There are number of components available within the Spring Cloud and Netflix OSS ecosystem that solve common problems for distributed applications (e.g. configuration management, service discovery, circuit breakers, intellige...
If the O&M administrator needs to adjust the cloud layers based on the service requirements and architecture of the actual O&M scenario, see Configuring a Cloud. Capacity monitoring configuration For details about how to set the alarm thresholds for resource pool capacities, see Maintaining Resource...
A cloud service is created from three components, the service definition(.csdef), the service config(.cscfg), and a service package(.cspkg). Both theServiceDefinition.csdefandServiceConfig.cscfgfiles are XML-based and describe the structure of the cloud service and its configuration; collective...
A vast majority of SaaS solutions are based on what is referred to as multitenant architecture. In this architecture, a single version of the application, with a single configuration, is used for every customer (referred to as atenant). To enable the service to scale well, it might be ins...
This resource will help you to manage a Kubernetes Cluster in Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes Service, see What is kubernetes.What is kubernetes-> NOTE: From...
Backup Management applies to service upgrade or major service changes. Figure 11-2 ScenariosHow It Works Figure 11-3 shows the logical architecture of Backup Management. Figure 11-3 Logical architecture of Backup Management STaaS, BC&DR, common components, and FusionSphere connect to ManageOne Mainte...
Nextcloud is an open-source client and server software application that helps you create a personal online file storage service on your own. The Nextcloud server is written in PHP and uses the local disk on the server for underlying storage. You can modify the Nextcloud configuration to use COS...
Microsoft Azure托管服务(Cloud Service)的启动和运行过程如图所示。 „ RDFE:Azure平台对外统一接口。图中步骤1表示开发者发起操作请求到RDFE,如上传发布包、更新托管服务配置、管理证书等。操作可以通过Azure管理门户来完成,也可以通过Visual Studio、PowerShell等工具完成。FFE模块将外部请求转成内部命令,模块查找到目...