az cloud-service create 實驗 命令群組 'cloud-service' 是實驗性且正在開發中。 參考和支援層級:建立雲端服務(外延支援)。 請注意,某些屬性只能在雲端服務建立期間設定。Azure CLI 複製 az cloud-service create --cloud-service-name --resource-group [--configuration] [--...
A cloud service in Azure consists of an application that is designed to run in the cloud service and XML configuration files that define how the cloud service should run. The service model is determined by the settings listed in the ServiceDefinition.csdef file and configured in the ServiceConf...
Invent with purpose, realize cost savings, and make your organization more efficient with Microsoft Azure’s open and flexible cloud computing platform.
Browse an A-to-Z directory of generally available Microsoft Azure cloud computing services--app, compute, data, networking, and more.
Azure CLI 复制 az cloud-service delete-instance [--cloud-service-name] [--ids] [--no-wait] [--resource-group] [--role-instances] [--subscription] [--yes]可选参数--cloud-service-name --name -n云服务的名称。--ids一个或多个资源 ID(以空格分隔)。 它应该是包含“Resource Id”参数的...
在Azure中国区上面创建一个云服务(外延支持)后,根据官方文档(在云服务(外延支持)中应用 Azure 诊断扩展:,启用了WAD扩展来收集实例的Metrics信息到Stroage Account。根据官方的实例,配置好了公共配置 XML 文件(PublicWadConfig.xsd)和专用 XM...
Invent with purpose, realize cost savings, and make your organization more efficient with Microsoft Azure’s open and flexible cloud computing platform.
最终,通过 Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer工具查看Cloud Service的Metrics数据。 image.png 收集Metrics数据成功! 附件一:WAD Extension不允许使用重复的名称,所以可以通过名称过滤掉需要删除的Extension名称后,执行以下的脚本 # Get existing Cloud Service $cloudService = Get-AzCloudService -ResourceGroup "your resou...
1. 了解Azure云服务的服务架构 Microsoft Azure托管服务(Cloud Service)的启动和运行过程如图所示。 „ RDFE:Azure平台对外统一接口。图中步骤1表示开发者发起操作请求到RDFE,如上传发布包、更新托管服务配置、管理证书等。操作可以通过Azure管理门户来完成,也可以通过Visual Studio、PowerShell等工具完成。FFE模块将外部...
Invent with purpose, realize cost savings, and make your organization more efficient with Microsoft Azure’s open and flexible cloud computing platform.