The system services required for the migration on the source server are not running normally. The system services required for the migration on the source server are not running normally. Contact technical support. 400 SMS.6513 No administrator permissions on the source server. No administrator permi...
--- 2 host-192-168-128-31 1 /DWS/manager/cm/cm_serverDown3 host-192-168-128-46 2 /DWS/manager/cm/cm_serverDowncm_ctl: can't connect to cm_server. Maybe cm_server is not running, or timeout expired. Please try again. Query thegaussdbprocess. ps -ef|grep gaussdb If only the ...
During the migration, the error message "SMS.6603 The connection to SMS was lost" was displayed. The server migration was in the Disconnected status, so most operations c
Optimize cloud infrastructure with VMware for app platforms, private cloud, edge, networking, and security.
Running: Agent is running. Upgrading: Agent is being upgraded. Abnormal: Agent is abnormal. Uninstalled: Agent is uninstalled. Resource List Name: Elastic Cloud Server Name: Physical Server ID: Resource ID ID: Resource ID VM Status: indicates the status of a VM. The options are as follo...
When you mount a NAS file system on a container, the access denied by server while mounting <mount directory> error message is returned. Cause This issue occurs due to one of the following causes: The mount directory does not exist. The role that is used to run the container does not...
Zenko CloudServer, an open-source Node.js implementation of the Amazon S3 protocol on the front-end and backend storage capabilities to multiple clouds, including Azure and Google. - scality/cloudserver
SQL Connection- Specify SQL Server for a locally installed SQL Server instance, or Azure SQL. SQL Connection string- You must specify the connection string to your SQL Server, including the name of the server that SQL Server is running on, and the name of the instance, the database,...
Use a browser to open and visit:http://localhost:8000/helloworld/kratos, The kratos program is running! If you need more, please visit the kratosdocumentation. Security Vulnerabilities If you discover a security vulnerability within Kratos, please send an e-mail to tonybase viago-kratos@googlegr...
Installation by running PowerShell commands In the Server Manager window, click Add roles and features. Follow the wizard default configuration, click Features in the left-side navigation pane, and then select .NET Framework 3.5 Features. Follow the wizard to confirm the settings until the insta...