Security leaders can evaluate the cloud security technologies on this Hype Cycle to help their organizations make secure use of the public cloud.
Gartner’s latest Hype Cycle for Cloud Security reflects how quickly the pandemic is reordering the cybersecurity landscape. IT, risk, and management professionals are most concerned with keeping their intellectual property (IP) secure and alleviating the chance of misconfiguring their cloud infrastructur...
The Gartner Hype Cycle for Cloud Security, 2021 summarizes the 29 most significant technologies that enable the delivery of controlled, compliant and economicalcloud strategies. Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) What is it?SASE is delivered as a service and enables access to systems... 相似文献Hype Cycle for Cloud Security in 2017 As we go by the recently released 'Hype Cycle for Cloud Security for 2017', it reveals interesting trends. "Security continues to be the most commonly cited reason for avoiding the use of public cloud," said Jay Heiser, research vice...
[1]Gartner, Hype Cycle™ for Cloud Security, 2021, Tom Croll, Jay Heiser, Published 27 July 2021. Contact Info Carolin Bachmann Oracle +1.415.622.8466 About Oracle Oracle offers integrated suites of applications plus secure, autonomou...
近日,全球权威咨询分析机构Gartner发布了“2022中国ICT技术成熟度曲线(Hype Cycle for ICT in China, 2022)”报告,灵雀云(连续三年入选,并进入首次发布的中国云原生计算代表性厂商(sample vendor)名单。 《中国ICT技术成熟度曲线报告》面向中国CIO发布,涵盖了20项ICT新兴技术和实践,是企业IT高管把握最新技术...
Gartner Hype Cycle for Cloud Computing: SaaS Most Promising TechnologyKar, SarojKar, S.: Gartner hype cycle for cloud computing: SaaS most promising technology, CloudTimes, 21 Aug 2012.
核心竞争力:10次在Gartner网络防火墙魔力象限领先;新推出ML-Powered 4代设备,性价比行业领先。 2. Cloud Security 公有云支出预计将继续同比增长 25% 以上,云安全支出预计将稳定在公共云支出的 6-7%,混合云将使我们成为首选的安全合作伙伴,保护软件供应链将进一步扩大 TAM ...
我们希望通过有意义的技术交流,使得大家都认识到零信任产品不是仅仅依靠开源NGINX + OpenVPN 拼凑出来的,而是一个系统性的安全工程学设计和落地。 Gartner’s Hype Cycle for Network Security2021
Gartner在《Hype Cycle for Security Operations,2021》中涉及资产识别和管理的两个技术点:外部攻击面管理(EASM)和网络资产攻击面管理(CAASM)。 2、资产类别 资产包括实物资产(如工控设备、仪器仪表)、数字资产(如网站、IP、域名、SSL证书和云服务)和数据。