OpenStack — your open source cloud platform There are many reasons to use OpenStack among other open source cloud platforms. Founded in 2010, it is undoubtedly one of the most mature and stable ones. OpenStack has been successfully adopted by various companies in thetelecommunications,finance, a...
hpcmgr:强大的集群内管理工具,包括集群的连接、SLURM 服务的启动、以及 HPC 软件包的自动化编译安装等。 infra-as-code:模板文件是 IaC(基础设施及代码)的核心要素,我们已经针对阿里云、腾讯云、AWS、华为云、百度云、Azure(国际区)、Google Cloud Platform 七家公有云厂商制作了专用的资源模板。 scripts:启动脚本包...
An open source multi tenant cloud platform for small scale clinics doctorclinichealthhealthcarecloud-platformpatientshealth-informaticspatient-managementpatient-recordpatient-records UpdatedSep 12, 2023 HTML Syncano/syncano-node Star62 Code Issues Pull requests ...
The implementation of the monitoring system made it possible to determine the use of the applications executed in a given time, for the proper control of academic systems.doi:10.1007/978-3-030-42517-3_34Rubén NogalesPaul TandazoFranklin MayorgaDavid GuevaraJavier Vargas...
Meet your business challenges head on with cloud computing services from Google, including data management, hybrid & multi-cloud, and AI & ML.
This repository contains open-source projects managed by the owners of Google Cloud Pub/Sub. - GoogleCloudPlatform/pubsub
maxOpenPreparedStatements: 20 在项目服务启动的时候就去加载一些数据或做一些事情这样的需求,为了解决这样的问题,在Spring Boot 中,实现接口 CommandLineRunner 即可。 cloud-platform\ace-auth\ace-auth-client\src\main\java\com\github\wxiaoqi\security\auth\client\runner -> 文件。
Think about that. That’s an amazing change. And all the way up to programming frameworks, like Node.js, with server-side JavaScript which is the fastest growing web technology platform in the world. At every layer of the stack, we see a form of organic innovation that you've heard abou...
Think about that. That’s an amazing change. And all the way up to programming frameworks, like Node.js, with server-side JavaScript which is the fastest growing web technology platform in the world. At every layer of the stack, we see a form of organic innovation that you've heard abou...
cloud-platform\ace-auth\ace-auth-server\src\main\resources -> application.yml cloud-platform\ace-modules\ace-admin\src\main\resources -> application.yml 留意修改数据库名: datasource: name: test url: jdbc:mysql://${MYSQL_HOST:}:${MYSQL_PORT:3306}/ag_admin_v1?useUnicode=true&...