近日,根据CNCF最新版本的云原生全景图(Cloud Native Landscape),Carina本地存储项目已被纳入云原生存储(Cloud Native Storage)板块。 图1:CNCF 全景图(截取) 更多全景图信息,请见:https://landscape.cncf.io CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation),是由 Google 牵头创立的云原生计算开源软件基金会。它致力于云原生 ...
The CNCF Cloud Native Landscape Project is intended as a map through the previously uncharted terrain of cloud native technologies. This attempts to categorize most of the projects and product offerings in the cloud native space. There are many routes to deploying a cloud native application, with ...
The CNCF Cloud Native Landscape Project is intended as a map through the previously uncharted terrain of cloud native technologies. This attempts to categorize most of the projects and product offerings in the cloud native space. There are many routes to deploying a cloud native application, with ...
2015年Google主导成立了云原生计算基金会(CNCF),起初CNCF对云原生(Cloud Native)的定义包含以下三个方面:应用容器化;面向微服务架构;应用支持容器的编排调度。随着容器和微服务的崛起,云原生展现出强大的生命力。到了2018年,随着云原生生态的不断壮大,所有主流云计算供应商都加入了该基金会,且从Cloud Native Landscape中可...
https://landscape.cncf.io/ 阿里云原生全景图长这样: 阿里云原生全景图 这给开发、集成、测试、运维、安全等带来极大的挑战。以前开发会java、Git、DB就行了,现在你还得掌握微服务、容器化、声明式API、服务网格、云平台等等,外加额外5-10种技术工具。这些学习门槛都不低!
In a cloud native world, teams focus on architecting for resilience. The rapidly expanding open source and cloud native landscape helps developers and architects design software services that stay online despite hiccups in the environment. Independence and freedom of choice. Public cloud providers ...
如今 CNCF 已经正式毕业了 8 个项目了,它们分别是:Kubernetes、Prometheus、Envoy、CoreDNS、containerd、Fluentd、Jaeger和Vitess。与此同时,从 CNCF 的Cloud Native LandScape来看,云原生的生态应用也越来越枝繁叶茂,相信在不久的将来,会有更多伟大的科技落地在我们的身边,影响到我们的每一个人。
https://landscape.cncf.io/ 分类:Kubernetes 好文要顶关注我收藏该文微信分享 gao88 粉丝-8关注 -2 +加关注 0 0 升级成为会员 «生成private.pem和public.crt实现https »【DDD】领域驱动设计实践 —— 框架实现 posted @2019-03-25 13:44gao88阅读(904) 评论(0)编辑 ...
https://landscape.cncf.io/?category=app-definition-and-development&grouping=category 总结 说了这么多,你可以简单的理解为,云原生就是换了个开发环境,由物理服务器换到了云服务器,然后为了适应这个云服务器的环境做了一些技术架构调整,这就是云原生。
Explore cloud native services The modern landscape of complex applications—with users expecting continuous innovation coupled with unparalleled responsiveness—requires business systems to be more strategic and increasingly flexible. Cloud native is all about moving fast while also remaining agile. ...