MMA odps:ListMmsDataSources odps:GetMmsDataSource odps:CreateMmsDataSource odps:UpdateMmsDataSource odps:DeleteMmsDataSource odps:CreateMmsFetchMetadataJob odps:ListMmsJobs odps:GetMmsJob odps:CreateMmsJob odps:DeleteMmsJob odps:StartMmsJob odps:StopMmsJob odps:RetryMmsJob odps:ListMmsTasks odps:Get...
Tunnel > MMA MMA odps:ListMmsDataSources odps:GetMmsDataSource odps:CreateMmsDataSource odps:UpdateMmsDataSource odps:DeleteMmsDataSource odps:CreateMmsFetchMetadataJob odps:ListMmsJobs odps:GetMmsJob odps:CreateMmsJob odps:DeleteMmsJob odps:StartMmsJob odps:StopMmsJob odps:RetryMmsJob odps:ListMms...
The signature certificate DApHTUNlcnQub3JnMR8wHQYDVQQDDBZHTUNlcn content must be in PEM QgR00gUm9vdCBDQSAtIDAxMB4X DTIxMDgxOTEyMjMxN1oXDTIyMDgxOTEyMjMxN1o format. You can upload a wGzELMAkGA1UEBhMCQ04xDDAK certificate file or manually BgNVBAMMA3R0dDBZMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqB create a cer...
The signature certificate DApHTUNlcnQub3JnMR8wHQYDVQQDDBZHTUNlcn content must be in PEM QgR00gUm9vdCBDQSAtIDAxMB4X DTIxMDgxOTEyMjMxN1oXDTIyMDgxOTEyMjMxN1o format. You can upload a wGzELMAkGA1UEBhMCQ04xDDAK certificate file or manually BgNVBAMMA3R0dDBZMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqB create a cer...
%{_libdir}/rsyslog/ %{_libdir}/rsyslog/ %{_libdir}/rsyslog/ %{_libdir}/rsyslog/ %{_libdir}/rsyslog/ %{_libdir}/rsyslog/ %{_libdir}/rsyslog/ ...
データは、以前は Microsoft Monitoring Agent (MMA) と呼ばれていた Log Analytics エージェントによって収集されます。これがセキュリティ関連のさまざまな構成とイベント ログをマシンから読み取り、分析のためにデータを Log Analytics ワークスペースにコピーします。 自動プロビジョニン...
Learn more > Current Selections Products and services: Microsoft Defender for Cloud Sort by: Newest to oldest Clear selections Sort by Relevance Newest to oldest Oldest to newest Nothing found Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some different keywords. ...
Google Stadia is one of the most popular cloud game services, which offers massive games to play via incredible stream quality. It works with PCs, laptops, smartphones, and smart TVs making it possible for the users to have the best kind of playing experience. ...
In preparation for the Microsoft Monitoring Agent (MMA) deprecation in August 2024, Defender for Cloud released a SQL Server-targeted Azure Monitoring Agent (AMA) autoprovisioning process. The new process is automatically enabled and configured for all new customers, and also provides the ability ...
3. We have designed a global optimization technique for mirror reflection learning strategy, which explores new search spaces by generating reflection points based on the current solution. In GEO-DLS, this strategy is cleverly applied to the cruising and attacking behavior of the Golden Eagle, there...