If the bucket is private, enter a valid key and enable origin-pull authentication to turn on private bucket access. Host header: It refers to the domain name accessed on the origin server by a CDN node during origin-pull. It defaults to the acceleration domain name. If a wildcard domain...
授权服务器基于Spring Cloud Oauth2创建后,配置TokenStore为JwtTokenStore,访问/oauth/token_key接口获取公钥,出现404错误。 授权服务器配置如下。 @Configuration@EnableAuthorizationServerpublicclassAuthorizationServerConfigextendsAuthorizationServerConfigurerAdapter{@AutowiredprivatePasswordEncoderpasswordEncoder;@Autowired...
AuthFailure.SecretIdNotFoundKey does not exist. Check if the key has been deleted or disabled in the console, and if not, check if the key is correctly entered. Note that whitespaces should not exist before or after the key. AuthFailure.SignatureExpireSignature expired. Timestamp and server ti...
RHEL activation key. This property is applicable when type is multitenant. Possible values: 0≤ length ≤ 150 Status Code 202 OK 400 Bad Request 404 Not found Example responses Status 202 { "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:vmware:us-south:a/accuntid::directorsite:directorsiteuuid001",...
404 Not Found NoSuchKey 指定的Key不存在。 先上传对象。 404 Not Found NoSuchLifecycleConfiguration 请求的LifeCycle不存在。 先配置LifeCycle。 404 Not Found NoSuchUpload 指定的多段上传不存在。Upload ID不存在,或者多段上传已经终止或完成。 使用存在的段或重新初始化段。
This will not return missing attribs in the reply in a 404 not found status propset. That reduces the amount of transferred data significant. https://github.com/owncloud/client/pull/10104 Enhancement - Allow creation of sync roots with long paths: #10135 Until now, we were only able to ...
密钥管理服务提供程序 277 v1.0.0 已更新 IBM Key Protect Go 客户机。 Red Hat OpenShift 3.11.170 3.11.200 请参阅 Red Hat OpenShift 发行说明。 OpenVPN 客户机 不适用 不适用 修复了可能导致在集群主节点操作期间删除 kube-system 项目中的 vpn-config 私钥的问题。2020...
ServiceKeyName:uaa_sap-btp-projecttest-keysap.cloud.service:sap-btp-projecttest existing_destinations_policy:ignorebuild-parameters:no-source:true-name:sap-btp-projecttest-app-contenttype:com.sap.application.content path:.requires:-name:sap-btp-projecttest-html5-repo-hostparameters:content-target:true...
This API is used to create an expired key scan task. Redis 3.0 does not support expired key scan.The keyspace will be scanned to release the memory used by expired keys t
cleanup, err := mssql.RegisterDriver("cloudsql-sqlserver", cloudsqlconn.WithCredentialsFile("key.json"))iferr !=nil{// ... handle error}// call cleanup when you're done with the database connectiondefercleanup() db, err := sql.Open("cloudsql-sqlserver","sqlserver://user:password@local...