解析配置文件: 代码语言:javascript 复制 funcinitConfig(configPath string)error{ifconfigPath!=""{viper.SetConfigFile(configPath)}else{viper.AddConfigPath("conf")viper.SetConfigName("config.local")}viper.SetConfigType("yaml")viper.AutomaticEnv()viper.SetEnvPrefix("napp")replacer:=strings.NewReplacer...
cloud-init是linux的一个工具,当云主机启动系统,cloud-init可从nova metadata服务或者config drive中获取metadata,用于初始化云主机的操作。 初始化的操作有如下 设置默认系统语言 设置主机名 添加ssh公钥 设置用户密码 配置网络 安装 下载cloud-init 代码语言:txt 复制 [root@nodes cloud-init]# pwd /cloud-init [...
Error code Obtain request IDs Self-help troubleshooting by using error codes Error codes HTTP status code HTTP status code 203 HTTP status code 400 HTTP status code 403 HTTP status code 404 HTTP status code 405 HTTP status code 409 HTTP status code 411 HTTP status code 412 HTTP status code ...
tokens_left = redis.eval(SCRIPT, keys, args) Flux<List<Long>> flux = this.redisTemplate.execute(this.script, keys, scriptArgs); // .log("redisratelimiter", Level.FINER); return flux.onErrorResume(throwable -> {
status.podIP: IP of pod. init_containers-ports The port supports the following: port- (Optional, ForceNew) The port number. Valid values: 1 to 65535. protocol- (Optional, ForceNew) Valid values: TCP and UDP. init_containers-volume_mounts ...
GPMInitParams GPMCallbackHandler GPMError Android Overview GPMManager GPMInitParams GPMCallback GPMError iOS Classes Overview GPMManager GPMInitParams Protocols Overview GPMCallbackDelegate Exception Overview GPMError 二进制优化服务 获取Token 获取文件上...
Cloud-init.cloud-config: Cloud-init lets us set tons of parameters to influence first boot (and subsequent boots, too!). Check out all the things it can dohere. We’re going to use it to showcase a new feature: NVIDIA driver installation. ...
onLaunch() {// 使用callContainer前一定要init一下,全局执行一次即可wx.cloud.init() }, . js中: // 测试asynctestting(e) {// 下面的请求可以在页面任意一处使用constresult =awaitwx.cloud.callContainer({"config": {"env":"prod-8g35ccg***"},"path":"/","header": {"X-WX-SERVICE":...
org.apache.dubbo.rpc.RpcException: No provider available from registry for service com.suirui.manager.user.api.service.IUserLoginService:1.0.0 on consumer use dubbo version 2.7.6, please check status of providers(disabled, not registered or in blacklist). ...
Here I got the evidence while running test cases without initcontainers along with logs -debug-nginx I can able to reproduce the same error in nginx logs whenever the test for secrets gets failed The failure happens among 1/10 Jenkins job:https://sys-zaas-k8s-jenkins.swg-devops.com/job/...