htmlentities—Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities 说明 stringhtmlentities(string$string[,int$flags= ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401[,string$encoding= ini_get("default_charset")[,bool$double_encode= true]]] ) This function is identical tohtmlspecialchars()in all ways, except withhtmlent...
htmlentities() 函数把字符转换为 HTML 实体。 语法 htmlentities(string,quotestyle,character-set) 提示和注释 提示:无法被识别的字符集将被忽略,并由 ISO-8859-1 代替。 例子 <html> <body> <?php $str = "John & 'Adams'"; echo htmlentities($str, ENT_COMPAT); echo "<br />"; echo htmlentiti...
Since PHP 5.4, htmlentities will use UTF-8 by default, but ISO-8859-1 before PHP 5.4, so it will cause problem on some old system (or not that old). After grep owncloud code, seems there are many place doesn't use UTF-8 as argument. If owncloud want to support older system, fo...
Affiliate Entity Sparkoo Technologies Singapore Pte. Ltd. Singapore Provide the infrastructure on which the Huawei Cloud services run Affiliate Entity Sparkoo Technologies (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Thailand Provide the infrastructure on which the Huawei Cloud services run ...
Mask multibyte characters for enhanced privacy of sensitive data You can now perform partial redaction and basic obfuscation of multibyte characters such as symbols, characters from non-Latin alphabets like Chinese or Arabic, and special characters that are used in mathematical notation. The rest of ...
These icons maintain the colors of the stickies, but add symbols to visually represent the concepts. Here’s the event storming grammar visualized using these icons: I’ve used these icons to document processes in a way that both techies and non-techies can follow. The icons are released ...
In reStructuredText, headings are denoted using symbols to underline the text. The headings used across the documentation use the following hierarchy: - ``###``: Top level header (reserved for the main index page) - ``***``: Title header (used once at the top of a new page) - ``...
Embedding is a method that translates high-dimensional data into a low-dimensional space. In machine learning and natural language processing (NLP), embedding is a common method that is used to represent sparse symbols or objects as continuous vectors. ...
AN IBANcontains a maximum of 34 alphanumerical symbols and is made up acombination of hte following elements:The bank's country key (ISO code)A two-figure check digitCountry-specific account number (in Germany, for example, this consistsof the bank numbe...
The users who have access to print using the printer. To construct, see NOTES section for ALLOWEDUSERS properties and create a hash table. Type: IMicrosoftGraphUser[] Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False...