Cloud Foundry reasons, since the code's open-source, why not open-source the course work for the developer exam too? At the same time, Google also sees the advantage of open-sourcing the documentation process.
Cloud Foundry is an extensible, open source platform as a service that allows developers to build, deploy, and scale applications on both public and private cloud models. Similar to Heroku, developers can deploy applications using a variety of buildpacks to package the framework and/or runtime de...
Cloud Foundry Application Runtime可通过Cloud Foundry BOSH项目的云供应商程序接口(CPI)功能部署至众多不同供应商提供的基础架构平台,包括VMware的vSphere、OpenStack、亚马逊Web Services(AWS)、微软Azure、谷歌云平台以及阿里巴巴的阿里云等 [8] 。 [9] 支持平台 Cloud Foundry平台可从Cloud Foundry Foundation作为开源...
Cloud Foundry BOSH is an open source tool chain for release engineering, deployment and lifecycle management of large scale distributed services. - cloudfoundry/bosh
Cloud Foundry – Open Source Platform as a Service Cloud Foundry is a platform as a service (PaaS) which makes it really easy for developers to run their applications in the cloud without having to worry about any infrastructure. To push applications to the cloud, developers only push their ...
Cloud Foundry给了开发者最想要的东西:选择权: 1.在公共,私有和混合云上部署的选择权,其中包括 – VMware提供的云服务,Micro Cloud Foundry™ - 业界第一个可以下载到开发者笔记本运行的PaaS平台,以及众多在私有或者公有基础设施上运行的合作伙伴的云平台,包括vSphere/vCloud,AWS,OpenStak,Rackspace...
Cloud Foundry由依照美国联邦法律注册的501(c)(6)非营利性组织Cloud FoundryFoundat出原棉ion管理,是一个开源软件项今图治例背得目。该软件最初由VMWar360百科e开发,于2014年转入Pivotal和open source。2015年,Cloud Foundry基金会成立。 Cloud Foundry项目最初的构想始于2杨料势纪渐至介贵顺称009年,最初的项目名...
近日,在海牙的Cloud Foundry峰会上,IBM在OpenShift容器平台上展示了其Cloud Foundry Enterprise Envioronment。很长一段时间以来,开源的Cloud Foundry Platform即服务生态系统和红帽以Kubernetes为中心的OpenShift被视为竞争对手,这两种工具都针对希望实现应用程序开发和交付平台现代化的企业客户。但最近很多事情都发生了...
cloudfoundry是vmvare新推出来的开源PaaS平台,我试用了一下,发现还是很不错的。发出来分享给大家。 (1) 申请 目前接受申请,要求非常简单,近乎于没有: 1. 打开 2. 点击 Free Sign Up for Cloud Foundry ...