本篇文章主要分享在使用最新版 Android Studio 3.0的環境中,如何導入 Cloud Firestore,包括設定、導入函式庫。 Firestore Cloud Firestore本身是 Firebase 的產品之一,它的基礎源自於 Firebase realtime database,一個 APP 要使用 Firestore 之前,同樣的也要在 Firebase 主...
In Android Studio, go to “Tools => Firebase” to open the Firebase Assistant. Expand the “Firestore” option located at the bottom and click the link: “Read and write documents with Cloud Firestore” to open the instructions to set up FIrestore. We can both create a Firestore project an...
I have spent the last five hours trying to resolve this issue. Whenever I run flutter build ios --flavor XXX from the terminal in Android Studio, a Rosetta Opened Terminal, or X-Code I get the following error : Parse Issue (Xcode): Module 'cloud_firestore' not found. ...
是否有人使用cloud_firestore插件成功地运行了事务?我得到以下错误: E/AndroidRuntime(26208):致命异常:AsyncTask#2 E/AndroidRuntime(26208):process:io.flutter.plugins.googleSigninexample,PID:26208 E/AndroidRuntime(26208):java.lang.runtimeException:>执行doInBackground()E/AndroidRuntime(26208):at Android...
google_sign_in: ^5.0.0 firebase_auth: ^1.0.1 firebase_core: ^1.0.1 cloud_firestore: ^1.0.1 firebase_remote_config: ^0.9.0-dev.0 firebase_crashlytics: ^1.0.0 Here is how I connect the flutter app to emulator (I call this after I callFirebase.initializeApp();): ...
注意:C:\src\\托管\\cloud_firestore-0.13.5\android\src\main\java\io\flutter\plugins\fire base\cloud dfi恢复\CloudFirestorePlugin.java使用未经检查或不安全的操作。注意:使用-Xlint重新编译:未经检查以获取详细信息。D8:无法在单个dex文件中安装请求的类(#方法:79495 ...
我几乎尝试了一切。我已经使用VPN来安装,我已经尝试降级cocoapods。我也尝试过不同版本的 cloud_firestore。它在 android 上运行良好,但 firebase 有问题,因为 Firebase Auth 包中也出现了同样的问题\n似乎没有任何效果 \n 重现步骤 \n 创建一个新项目并添加最新的 cloud_firestore 包\n在 iOS 模拟器上运行而不...
Google Cloud VM中的Android Studio Google Cloud Function / MongoDB VM实例通信 Terraform Google Cloud:公开VM实例IP Google Compute Engine VM实例恢复错误 从Google Cloud Firestore恢复到数据存储区 如何在Google Cloud VM上隐藏PHPMyAdmin Google Cloud VM实例的Selenium替代方案?