Hogben. Cloud Computing Security Risk Assessment. Technical report, European Network and Information Security Agency, November 2009. Available at http://www.enisa.europa.eu/act/rm/files/deliverables/ cloud-computing-risk-assessment/at_download/fullReport....
Cloud computing security risks are a shared responsibility of both the cloud service provider and the organization using the services.
Cloud computing security, or simply cloud security, is the practice of safeguarding both data assets and access for cloud-based applications, services and more from attacks by cybercriminals and malicious insider abuse. As more organizations move to a cloud-first or hybrid cloud computing environment...
Gartner defines as a type of computing in which “massively scalable IT-enabled capabilities are delivered ‘as a service’ to external customers using Internet technologies.” Ask questions related to the qualifications of policy makers, architects, coders and operators; risk-control processes and ...
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Cloud Platform, Data Privacy, Data Security, Models of Cloud Computing. 1. Introduction Cloud Computing can be defined as a computing model for enabling convenient on- demand network access to share pool of configurable computing resources [1] e.g., networks, services,...
Cloud security is a discipline of cyber security dedicated to securing cloud computing systems. This includes keeping data private and safe across online-based infrastructure, applications, and platforms. Securing these systems involves the efforts of cloud providers and the clients that use them, wheth...
Cloud computing has gained increased momentum in the past few years, and it isn’t showing signs of slowing down. However, despite the cloud’s popularity, there are somechallenges with cloud migration. While the cloud does pose some unique security issues, they are ...
The method of the information security risk assessment in cloud computing systems Conference on Security of Information and Networks...The ACM Digital Library is published by the ...of information security risks in cloud computing ... O Makarevich,I Mashkina,A Sentsova - International Conference on...
Cloud access security broker (CASB) How to secure your cloud computing: a six-step framework The Federal Trade Commission(FTC) explains six cloud service safety advice for your organization to protect your customer's data. Here's their 6-step framework: ...
Despite the provided advantages, the cloud computing is not exclusive of risks with security being the key risk [57]. Security is one of the biggest obstacles that hamper the widespread adoption of cloud computing [28]. Several business and research organization are reluctant in completely trusting...