Cloudcomputing ---Newbusiness Computationalmodel Content DefinitionofCloudComputing 1 FeatureandbackgroundofCloudComputing 2 Themainformsofservice 3 Technicalsupport 4 Thechallengeandstatus 5 6 ThefutureofCloudComputing Definition Cloudcomputingisthedevelopment ofdistributedcomputing, parallelprocessing,and grid...
Business computing(商业计算) Banking, air(银行,航空) Personal computing(个人计算) Office, games(办公,娱乐) Internet Computing(互联网计算) Search, e-commerce(搜索,电子商务) 三、The main forms of service(主要的服务模型) Software as a Service(SaaS)—软件及服务 SaaS serviceproviders deploy applicatio...
云计算(cloud-computing)概念PPT课件 云计算基本概念 BasicConceptsofCloudComputing 黄胜龙吉林大学2011年4月9日智能控制与嵌入式系统 1 基本概念 ❖云计算(Cloudcomputing),是一种基于互联网的计算方式,通过这种方式,共享的软硬件资源和信息可以按需提供给计算机和其他设备。❖云其实是网络、互联网的一种比喻说法...
InternetComputing 2000Search,e-commerce 2010 CompanyLogo Themainformsofservice (1)SoftwareasaService(SaaS)SaaSserviceprovidersdeployapplicationsoftwareontheserver,usersondemandorderedfromthemanufacturerviatheInternet,serviceproviderschargebasedoncustomer'sneeds,andtoprovide customerswiththesoftwarethroughabrowser.(2)...
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) It is a multi-tenant platform for providing applications or software deployed on the Internet, packaged as a unique service for users to consume. e.g. Google Docs, Face book etc. Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) It is a framework that provides a unique computing...
Cloud_Computing_云计算_最全英文.ppt,* * Cloud Software as a Service (SaaS). The capability provided to the consumer is to use the provider’s applications running on a cloud infrastructure and accessible from various client devices through a thin client
3 models of Cloud computing Software as a Service (Saas) Platform as a Service (Paas) Infrastructure as a Service (Iaas), sometimes known as Hardware as a Service (Haas). SaaS Running existing online applications. Online productivity tools, including word processing, spreadsheet, presentation: Goo...
云计算的六种服务方式 Page9 NECCorporation2011 SAAS SoftwareasaService PAAS PlatformasaService IAAS InfrastructureasaService 云存储 MSP 管理服务提供 商业服务平台 软件即服务 Page10 NECCorporation2011 SaaS SoftwareasaServiceSaaS是一种基于互联网提供软件服务的应用模式 软件租赁 用户按使用时间和使用规模付费绿色...
1、Cloud Computing An IntroductionKarthik T.SCloud Computing Centre of ExcellenceTopicsWhat is Cloud ComputingWhy Cloud ComputingInside a CloudUnderstanding IaaS, PaaS & SaaSPublic vs. Private CloudCloud Providers A Birds Eye ViewAmazon EC2 A Detailed InsightGoogle App Engine An OverviewCloud Succe 2...
Cloud Computing is… No software access everywhere by Internet power -- Large-scale data processing Appeal for startups Cost efficiency 实在是太方便了 Software as platform Cons Security Data lock-in Software as a Service (SaaS) a model of software deployment whereby a provider licenses an ...