CDN domain config can be imported using the id, e.g. terraform import alicloud_cdn_domain_config.example <domain_name>:<function_name>:<config_id> NOTE:Before provider version 1.132.0, CDN domain config can be imported using the id, e.g. $terraform import alicloud_cdn_domain_config.exam...
CDN domain config can be imported using the id, e.g. terraform import alicloud_cdn_domain_config.example <domain_name>:<function_name>:<config_id> NOTE:Before provider version 1.132.0, CDN domain config can be imported using the id, e.g. $terraform import alicloud_cdn_domain_config.exam...
If the CDN authentication is required, this parameter is mandatory. If no authorization is required, do not set this parameter. Qiniu: You do not need to set this parameter. Aliyun: Set this parameter based on the value of authentication_type. KingsoftCloud: You do not need to set this ...
Read official news and media reports to learn about the latest developments in HUAWEI CLOUD2024 Oct 18 Oct 18,2024 KubeEdge Initiated by Huawei Cloud Becomes a CNCF Graduated Project 2024 Oct 18 Oct 18,2024 Hepsiburada Aims to Enhance Efficiency by Optimizing Costs with Huawei Cloud ...
terraform import alicloud_cdn_domain_config.example <domain_name>:<function_name>:<config_id> NOTE:Before provider version 1.132.0, CDN domain config can be imported using the id, e.g. $terraform import alicloud_cdn_domain_config.example <domain_name>:<function_name>...
You can use the enhanced HTTPDNS feature only for accelerated domain names. Before you use the feature, make sure that an accelerated domain name is added and configured. For more information about how to add and configure a domain name for CDN in ApsaraVideo VOD, seeAdd a domain name for...
查找快速入门和指南,查看重要参考文档,并获取有关常见问题的帮助。 format_list_numbered 指南 快速入门:使用 Datastream 将数据近乎实时地复制到 BigQuery 快速入门:使用 Datastream 近乎实时地流式传输数据更改 创建专用连接配置 创建连接配置文件 创建数据流
After recognizing this Header, Alibaba Cloud CDN redirects the data to the specified address and returns the obtained data to the user instead of returning the 3xx Redirection request to the user. replace_key_prefix_with - (Optional) The prefix of the Object name will be replaced with this ...
http_redirect_code- (Optional) The status code returned during the jump. It takes effect only when the RedirectType is set to External or AliCDN. mirror_allow_get_image_info- (Optional) Image back-to-source allows getting Image information ...
You can clear the cache configuration, and set the static resource cache in the CDN cache configuration to cache the resources in the form of suffix, such as image resource: .jpg, .png and .gif; audio and video files: .mp4,.mp3, and.avi; and style file: .js, .css, and .woff. ...