BlueTie is your all-in-one resource for reliable cloud-based software and email services. Keep your business up and running, from anywhere.
eMail Server Technology and Services Support Included : Included Easy eMail Management Control Panel, eMail Forward, Vacation, Multi eMail Forward, Cloud Server, Advance Spam Management, SAN Storage, eMail Load Balancing, Multi-eMail Server, Multi Backup, Multi-Data-Centre Connection, Support PC, ...
As the volume of email and attachments grows, on-premises email infrastructure only becomes more unwieldy and complex. With cloud-based email solutions, on the other hand, you eliminate the hardware, software and single-purpose solutions comprising most on-premises email architecture.Cloud email serv...
If email is not your core business, let us operate it for you. Find out why Atmail? OUR CLOUD SERVICES ARE TRUSTED BY COMPANIES SUCH AS: Overview If email is not your core business, let us move it to the cloud and operate it for you. That way, your team can focus on the success...
Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) ist ein Pay-as-you-Go-Service, der auf dem Volumen der gesendeten und empfangenen E-Mails basiert. Kein Abonnement, keine Vertragsverhandlungen und keine Mindestgebühren. AWS Pricing Calculator Berechnen Sie Ihre Amazon SES- und Architekturkosten in einem ein...
Amazon SES-Benutzer müssen sich nicht für andere AWS-Services anmelden. Jede Anwendung mit Internetzugriff kann Amazon SES verwenden, um E-Mails zuzustellen, ganz gleich, ob diese Anwendung in Ihrem eigenen Rechenzentrum, innerhalb von EC2 oder als Client-Software-Lösung ausgeführt wird. ...
Communication and Enterprise Services See all products Tencent Cloud EdgeOneProvides layer-4/7 security protection and acceleration services to the global market based on Tencent's global edge nodes. Cloud Virtual MachineA secure, stable, and highly flexible computing service ...
Google Cloud services : Data management solutions from NetApp Confidently tackle your challenges by using storage that integrates with innovative solutions from Google Cloud. Migrate and run enterprise apps faster and more efficiently. Get simplicity and scale with unified control from your data center ...
Google Workspace Google Apps is a premiere suite of cloud based productivity applications that assists you and your team work from just about anywhere on any device in the world. Google Apps offers simple, powerful communication and collaboration tools for enterprises of any size in business, ...
SecureAX is the service provider of choice to CT4 Singapore operations. CT4 has utilized SecureAX Singapore based services for many years, SecureAX has provided the onsite IT & datacenter services essential to operating an effective cloud based operations business. CT4 recommends SecureAX to any ...