As a visionary leader, you certainly recognize the immediate need to adapt to market demands for sustainable IT and data compliance cloud solutions in order to maximize your company value growth. Don't let hyperscalers and niche players erode your client base and company value that took you years...
Cloud as a Service (CaaS) refers to the delivery of computing services, including infrastructure, platforms, and software, over the internet on a pay-as-you-go basis. This model enables businesses to access and manage cloud-based resources without the need to invest in or maintain physicalhardw...
With the IBM Cloud® for VMware Cloud Foundation as a Service API, you can quickly and seamlessly integrate or migrate your on-premises VMware® workloads to IBM Cloud®. This is done by using the scalable, secure, and high-performance IBM Cloud infrastructure and the industry-leading VMwa...
AEM Java日志被定义为OSGi配置,因此使用运行模式文件夹定位特定的AEM as a Cloud Service环境。 通过Sling LogManager工厂的OSGi配置为自定义Java包配置Java日志记录。 有三种受支持的配置属性: 更改其他LogManager OSGi配置属性可能会导致AEM as a Cloud Service中出现可用性问题。 以下是三种AEM as a...
As a first step, service providers are currently building out their tool bases to be able to provide these services in the next two to three years.rnTo ensure the correct groundwork is laid, companies need to move into cloud in an incremental way - think evolution, not revolution. A ...
没有通过AEM as a Cloud Service的流二进制文件 应通过CDN访问二进制文件,CDN将在核心AEM服务之外提供二进制文件。 例如,不要使用asset.getOriginal().getStream(),这会触发将二进制文件下载到AEM服务的临时磁盘上。 无反向复制代理 AEM as a Cloud Service不支持从Publish反向复制到创作...
可以从软件分发门户以zip文件的形式下载快速入门jar和Dispatcher工具。 仅限在AEM Managed Services或AEM as a Cloud Service上具有环境的人访问SDK列表。 Java™ API Jar和Javadoc Jar可以通过maven工具(命令行或首选IDE)下载。 maven项目pom应引用以下API Jar包。 还应该引用对任何子包pom的依赖...
I have had quite a few non-tech people ask me the same question over and over: "What is 'as-a-service'?" That is usually followed immediately by "What is this 'cloud' I keep hearing about?" So, for those of you nodding your head right now, this column is just for you. Simply...
AEM中的客户端库文件夹支持其他一些功能。 但是,AEM as a Cloud Service上不需要这些变量,因此建议不要使用这些变量。 为了完整起见,此处列出了它们。 AdobeGraniteHTML库管理器 其他客户端库设置可以通过位于https://<host>:<port>/system/console/configMgr的系统控制台的AdobeGraniteHTML...
客户必须能够配置CDN才能与AEM as a Cloud Service配合使用 — 请参阅下面提供的配置说明。 客户必须有随时待命的工程CDN专家,以防出现与案例相关的问题。 客户在进入生产阶段之前必须执行并成功通过负载测试。 配置说明: 将CDN指向AdobeCDN的入口作为其源域。 例如:publish-p<PROGRAM_ID>-e<ENV-ID...