您可以在 [原則] 頁面中看到新的嚴重性層級: https://portal.cloudappsecurity.com/#/policy Defender for Cloud Apps 221 版 2022年2月20日 公開預覽版中提供的 Egnyte 應用程式連接器 公開預覽中提供適用於 Egnyte 的新應用程式連接器。 您現在可以將 Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps 連線到 Atlassian,以...
若要存取 Defender for Cloud Apps 入口網站,請移至https://portal.cloudappsecurity.com。 您也可以透過Microsoft Defender 入口網站存取入口網站,如下所示: 在Microsoft Defender 入口網站中,選取[更多資源],然後選取[適用於雲端的 Defender 應用程式]。
Get full visibility of your SaaS app landscape and take control of your apps with Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps, a comprehensive SaaS security solution.
varhttpClient =newHttpClient();varrequest =newHttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get,"https://portal.cloudappsecurity.com/cas/api/v1/alerts/"); request.Headers.Authorization =newAuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token);varresponse = httpClient.SendAsync(request).GetAwaiter().GetResult();// Do someth...
Get full visibility of your SaaS app landscape and take control of your apps with Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps, a comprehensive SaaS security solution.
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Get full visibility of your SaaS app landscape and take control of your apps with Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps, a comprehensive SaaS security solution.
Get full visibility of your SaaS app landscape and take control of your apps with Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps, a comprehensive SaaS security solution.
Get full visibility of your SaaS app landscape and take control of your apps with Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps, a comprehensive SaaS security solution.
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