After the agent is installed on the server or container node, the agent may modify the following system files or configurations: Linux system files: /etc/hosts.deny /etc/hosts.allow /etc/rc.local /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/pam.d/sshd /etc/docker/daemon.json /etc/sysctl.conf /sys/fs...
oracle-cloud-agent updated from 1.39.0-11004.el8 to 1.40.0-11632.el8 pam updated from 1.3.1-27.el8 to 1.3.1-27.0.1.el8 perf updated from 4.18.0-513.18.1.el8_9 to 4.18.0-513.24.1.el8_9 perl-HTTP-Tiny updated from 0.074-2.el8 to 0.074-2.el8_9.1 platform-python-pip updated fro...
python /usr/local/CloudAgent/plugins/CloudBasicComponentMgmt/clouddb_backup/ -p {tmp_port} -f {download_path}/{full_file_name} -i {download_path}/ {incr_file_name1},{download_path}/{incr_file_name_x}
Adding OS Login entries to the PAM configuration file for SSHD. If the user disables OS login via metadata, the configuration changes will be removed. Clock Skew (Linux only) The guest agent is responsible for syncing the software clock with the hypervisor clock after a stop/start event or...
SAP 产品可用性矩阵(PAM);需要 S用户ID。SAP SAP 备注;需要 S用户ID。SAP 第三方文档 选择您的 SAP 认证基础设施 这是对“比较不同 SAP 认证的 IaaS 产品”的引言的扩展,其中总结了每种不同基础设施选项的优点。 您可以在以下步骤后确定主机服务器的数量和大小: ...
Select a cluster that has a vCLS agent VM on local storage. In the web browser address bar, note the moref id for the cluster. For example, if the URL displays as https://vcenter-1.vrack.vsphere.local/ui/app/cluster;nav=h/urn:vmomi:ClusterComputeResource:domain-c8:503a0d38-442a-...
RPM包的更新方法有两种:使用osmt update命令更新和使用后台osmt-agent服务自动更新。此两种方法,都须先执行本节操作。确认repo源配置正常。请检查默认的/etc/yum.repos.d/hce.repo配置文件中参数是否正确,正确的配置如下。[base] name=HCE $releasever base baseur
原文: Google Compute Engine (GCE)是领先的云计算平台之一,为运行应用程序提供了可扩展且高度可用的虚拟机。 为了监控和管理这些虚拟机的性能和资源使用情况,收集日志和使用指标非常重要。然而,这可能是一项具有挑战性的任务,尤其是在处理大量虚拟机时。 不...
● After the agent is installed on the server or container node, the agent may modify the following system files or configurations: –Linux system files: ▪ /etc/hosts.deny ▪ /etc/hosts.allow ▪ /etc/rc.local ▪ /etc/ssh/sshd_config ▪ /etc/pam.d/sshd ...
式自动安装CES主机监控Agent,您需要手动安装Agent以实现主机监控能力。详细的安装步骤请参见“Agent安装配置方式说明。”裸金属服务器正常运行。关机、故障、删除状态的裸金属服务器无法在云监控中查看其监控指标。当裸金属服务器再次启动或恢复后,即可正常查看。 已安装配置主 ...