Malware detection Adaptive access control Behavior analytics Web application firewalls Authentication Collaboration control Encryption Learn more about Microsoft cloud security Cloud security solutions Get integrated protection for multicloud apps and resources. ...
Our leading Cloud Access Security Broker solution,Microsoft Cloud App Security, provides rich visibility into your shadow IT, enables you to identify and remediate cloud native attacks, and allows you to control how your data travels across all of your cloud apps—whether they’re from Microsoft ...
Cloud Security Use Cases Skyhigh Cloud Access Security Broker enables organizations to embrace cloud technology while lowering their overall security risk and operating costs. Some of the most common use cases for CASB are: Understanding the risk of each cloud service ...
To start learning how to protect cloud apps, you first need to learn what Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) is. Then, learn what the Microsoft implementation of CASB is. CASB- Cloud Access Security Broker - An on-premises or cloud-based secu...
We recommend using Defender for Cloud Apps sensitive information protection in parallel with your current Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) solution. Start by connecting the apps you want to protect to Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps. Since API connectors use out-of-band connectivity, no conflic...
Cloud access security broker (CASBs) are defined by Gartner as security policy enforcement points, placed between cloud service consumers and cloud service providers to combine and interject enterprise security policies as cloud-based resources are accessed. CASBs consolidate multiple types of securi...
可以通过浏览到 Microsoft Defender 门户中的“云应用文件”>来查看连接的应用中的文件。 迁移建议 建议将Defender for Cloud Apps敏感信息保护与当前 Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) 解决方案并行使用。 首先,将要保护的应用连接到Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps。 由于 API 连接器使用带外连接,不会发生冲突...
A Microsoft cloud access security broker that enables customers to control the access and use of software as a service apps in their organization.
Click to expand Microsoft 365 in the list of Platforms. Click Authorize New Tenant in the Cloud Access Security Broker subsection to add a Microsoft 365 tenant to your Secure Access environment. Check the boxes to confirm that you meet all three Authentication Requirements in the Microsoft 365 Au...
Get full visibility of your SaaS app landscape and take control of your apps with Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps, a comprehensive SaaS security solution.