Cloud9 Roster – settings & gear used by pro players from Cloud9 esports team. Includes players DPI, stats, configs, sensitivity, hardware setups, keybindings, crosshair, video & graphics settings as well as their mouse settings and resolution.
What is the current roster of Cloud9 In last matches for Cloud9 played: interz When is the umcoming match for Cloud9 Schedule of the next matches Cloud9: EGamersWorld What is the nearest tournament with the participation of Cloud9 Upcoming tournaments Cloud9 will play in: EGamersWorld ...
Cloud9 has finalized their roster for their participation in the upcoming 2025 LTA Season. After saying goodbye to Kim "Berserker" Min-cheol and Joseph "Jojopyun" Pyun, Cloud9 have been quick to make moves in the current off-season. According to a report
While many questioned the move for Cloud9 to move to a lineup made up of players you probably haven’t heard of if you don’t follow the tier 2 NA scene, this squad is showing the investment and decision by the popular organization isn’t a bad one. Previously with ATK, the roster ...
Right when everyone counted Cloud9 out, mCe led another underrated roster to big victories regionally, helping Cloud9 regain the respect of fans who worried that their early departures tanked their season. However, as the season progressed, they failed to qualify for Masters Tokyo and Champions 20...
According to unverified rumors circulating on the esports news site OverDrive Insider, the professional gaming organization Cloud9 has finalized its competitive roster for the upcoming season. The new additions to the team are said to be Nikita "HeavyGod
Cloud9 is one of the most decorated orgs in the LCS, but hasn't actually won a title in numerous years. They've already shaken up their roster a bunch with sales to EG and a buyout from DIG. Here is what all they've done so far, as reported by ESPN and sources close t...
Autimatic is the only player remaining on the Cloud9 roster. The move comes after a gradual decline in Cloud9’s results, with the final nail in the coffin coming as they crashed out of the online qualifier for the Americas Minor with consecutive losses to New Identity and The Quest. ...
League of Legends: Cloud9 has finalized its Academy roster ahead of the 2020 LCS Academy League Spring Split. Support David "Diamond" Bérubé is the sole returning member from last season alongside Head Coach Kim "Reignover" Yeu-jin and Assistant Coach
How do you feel Cloud9 played throughout the LCS Lock In? Is there anything you learned about your new roster's identity? I think we over-reached a little bit in the Lock In tournament. We could have very easily been 3-0'd by 100 Thieves, but we didn't. We had a lot of poise...