clotrimazole (redirected fromClotrimazol) Medical clo·trim·a·zole (klō-trĭm′ə-zōl′) n. A broad-spectrum antifungal drug, C22H17ClN2, used topically to treat a variety of superficial fungal infections, including candidiasis and ringworm. ...
Clotrimazol Active pharmaceutical ingredients: Clotrimazole Available forms of Clotrimazol Genamerica, composition and doses: Tablets; Vaginal; Clotrimazole 100 mg Medical categories: Antifungal drugs Anti infective medications Anti-inflammatory agents
Active pharmaceutical ingredients: Clotrimazole Available forms of Clotrimazol Lisan Laboratorios, composition and doses: Cream; Topical; Clotrimazole 1% Cream; Vaginal; Clotrimazole 1% Ovules; Vaginal; Clotrimazole 100 mg Medical categories: Antifungal drugs ...
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ClotrimazolChapter pp 172–174 Cite this chapter Biotransformation der Arzneimittel Karl-Heinz Beyer 10 Accesses This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access. Literatur Plempel, M., Bartmann, K., Büchel, K.H., Regel, E. (1969), Dtsch. Med. ...
Product name: Clotrimazol ABRINN: Clotrimazole Formulation: cream Strength: 10 mg/g Packaging: Tube, containing 20 g cream/ ointment Shelf life: 2...
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