At first, Capital was a sewing and dyeing factory that laid the foundations for what would grow to become one of the world’s most highly respected denim specialists in the world. In 1996, after honing its craft designing and manufacturing for other companies, Capital was renamed Kapital and ...
short lead times and competitive pricing. They use environmentally friendly fabric dyeing processes, as well as sustainable production methods, in order to reduce energy consumption and minimize waste materials. Their extensive range of custom apparel includes t-shirts, polo shirts, jackets and sweatshi...
At first, Capital was a sewing and dyeing factory that laid the foundations for what would grow to become one of the world’s most highly respected denim specialists in the world. In 1996, after honing its craft designing and manufacturing for other companies, Capital was renamed Kapital and ...
Through using Sewport, you can connect with professional clothing factories, verified by the platform and benefit from secure payments through the Sewport system, which offers you a guaranteed level of service unavailable should you attempt to contact manufacturers as a solo business. Using a platf...
Kuanyang, a textile product venture that specializes in transfer printing as well as printing materials, was founded in 1995. They are associated with China’s largest printer of printing ink Wuxi Hongbao special Dyeing and Printing Ink Co. Ltd. and have been offering one-stop service for their...
Because of the price advantage, this service method is very popular with fashion white-collar workers. Customized clothing can meet different groups of people. Besides some people who are not very good at buying clothes, or some middle-aged and old people like it. ...
In the Pacific this problem was sometimes remedied by vat-dyeing them en masse to a darker, even blackish colour. In 1943 the HBT manufacture colour was changed to the darker green OD7 shade.Most GI's felt that the HBTs were hot and rather slow to dry, but generally pretty good. In ...