LOCATIONS EN ENES LOCATIONS GreenDrop® Donation Drop Off Locations GreenDrop® makes donating your used clothing and household items to one of our local nonprofit partners easy, convenient, and eco-friendly. Most GreenDrop® donation drop spots are open daily to accept drop offs of used clo...
make your self as attractive as possible. Put on a clean dress. Keep a little bag full of French chalk near your sewing machine to dust your fingers at intervals. Have your hair in order, powder and lipstick put on. If you are constantly fearful that a visitor will drop in or hour ...
bi-monthly, or quarterly), and you'll receive a box of 8-10 gently-used items in your kid's size. At drop-off, you'll be able to hand off any of the items your kid has outgrown, so they can be passed on to a local family. As a bonus, 40% of the items received are...
First off is Friday Feb 14 (that’s Valentine’s Day). We are DJ-ing a Sadies Hawkins Dance hosted by The Nook on Robinson (2432 E Robinson St, Orlando, FL 32803). We’ll be spinning the best music from the 1930s – 1960s including swing, soul, pop and rock and roll. It’s ...