Photo: Inside a clothes washer drum. The paddles turn the clothes through the water. The holes let the water in (from above) and out (from below). The rubber seal (gasket) stops water leaking out through the door.The inner drum is the one you can see when you open the door or the...
She went bargain hunting and found a great wringer washer for me. My husband had to make a few minor repairs, but I would plug it in and wash clothes on my covered back porch. It did the handwashing part for me, but I still had to do the wringing, rinsing, and hanging up. It d...
Totally worth it to me. Can’t bear to throw it out? Repurpose it at home. A few ideas: No one wants your old family reunion t-shirt, so cut it up and use the pieces for cleaning rags. Those kid leggings with holes in them? Keep a pair in your rag bag to use ...
When your washer will not spin dry your clothes, the debris filter or coin trap may be blocked. Your washer has a filtering device down and near the pump called a drain filter or a coin trap. This filter grabs all foreign objects that go down and into the drain. The...