century为可数名词,十八世纪和十九世纪,两个世纪要用复数形式,故答案为centuries。 【5】【5】句意:这几天我必须一个人呆在家里。我父母昨天去了上海。此处需要填写一个副词来修饰动词,根据“My parents went to Shanghai yesterday.”判断,自己独自一人在家,故答案为alone。 【6】【6】句意:我们可以把帐篷...
The writer discusses deficits in the analyses of clothing in 18th-century portraits. She reviews how costume specialists, art historians, and social historians have considered the apparel shown in such portraits, particularly in portraits by John Singleton Copley. She points out that in the 1996 ...
These 18th-century beliefs materialized themselves three hundred years before we knew anything about the elementary particles composing 100% of all beings, inert or alive. The problem with scientists today is that they are intellectual prisoners of a scientific method worked out in the next Century,...
But Crusoe and Friday help him take back the ship. After that,they leave the island.This book was very (10)___(欢 )in past years. People liked the book because they liked Crusoe. In the 18th and 19th century,many people wanted to be "self-made" in the way Crusoe was "self-made"...
In the 18th century, the development of a characteristically European urban costume proceeded with particular intensity. The model for all Europe remained the French costume, which in turn was influenced to some extent by English clothing. The noblemen’s dress that had been established in the seco...
Back in the 18th century, it was not unusual to see fashionable men sporting brightly colored silk damask coats. Jones channeled that idea with belted kimono jackets and a pink satin robe embroidered with a motif borrowed from Dior’s Pondichéry dress from 1948. In a week when Loewe and Giv...
In the 18th and 19th centuries, clothing styles began to change more rapidly. This was due in part to the Industrial Revolution, which made new materials and manufacturing techniques available. In the 20th century, clothing styles became more casual and informal. This was due in part to the ...
expensive materials, lavishly decorated, whereas the common people dressed in simpler, coarser fabrics. In the 18th century, the fashion industry in France began to rise, gradually shaping the modern apparel industry. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, advancements in textile te...
drying frames andclotheslines are seen in paintingsfrom the 16th century, but most people would have been used to seeing laundry spread to dry on grass, hedgerows etc. Clothes pegs/pins seem to have been rare before the 18th century. Pictures show sheets etc. hung over clotheslines with no...
Earlyin1816,Austenbegantofeelunwell.Sheignoreditatfirstandcontinuedtowork.ButinMarchof1817,herillnessbecamesoseriousthatshehadtostopwriting.ShediedinJulyofthesameyear,leavinganuncompletednovelcalledTheWatscons. Austenwasfamousforherhumorouswordsandcleverideas.Mostofhernovelsareaboutwomenin18thcenturyEngland.Atthat...