Morphology and Physiology Clostridiumis a wide heterogeneous genus of microorganisms belonging to theFirmicutesphylum including approximately 231 species validly described (List of prokaryotic names with standing in nomenclature – genusClostridium, Clostridia ...
Horse blood provides essential growth factors in Clostridium Difficile Agar. Cycloserine and Cefoxitin are selective agents against aerobic, anaerobic, and facultatively anaerobic Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. At the concentration of antibiotics used C. difficile is not inhibited significantly, ...
形态与染色 Morphology and stain 菌体细长,0.5μm ×(2-5)μm,直杆菌,无荚膜,周生鞭毛;芽孢球形、端生成鼓槌状,是显微鉴别的重要特征。 G+,但在芽孢形成后,易转变成阴性 厌氧小瓶和注射器 非营养型运送培养基 阻止氧气扩散 维持生存72h 含指示剂系统,有氧时变为淡紫色 3.生化反应 biochemical reaction ...
Gram stain morphology in conjunction with severe sepsis can rapidly point into the direction of this pathogen. CNS infections manifest either as meningoencephalitis/cerebritis or as brain abscess. Entry site of the pathogen is almost uniquely the gastrointestinal tract. In adults more than 50% ...
The genus Clostridium is composed of a heterogeneous group of bacteria that are characterized by their rod-like morphology as spore-forming, anaerobic bacteria.
This group is routinely misidentified due to Gram-stain variability, rare formation of spores, atypical Clostridial colonial morphology, and variable antibiotic susceptibilities [8,9]. Proper identification of C. innocuum with current laboratory microbiology methods and kits is difficult, and like its ...
Our isolates had a distinctive Gram stain morphology, were catalase negative and failed to sporulate aerobically--this aided in the recognition of this significant Gram-positive bacillus.IDepartmentBDepartmentGosbellDepartmentCDepartmentGDepartment
Gram-positive Bacteria Clostridia Clostridium piliforme Biology Clostridium piliforme is an obligate intracellular bacterium that may stain as Gram-negative and have variable morphology in tissue section. Most often, it appears as a long, slender (i.e. hair-like or piliform) bacillus, approximately...
Irregular yellowish colonies with horse-manure odour, ultraviolet fluorescence (365 nm), Gram stain morphology, malachite green for spore and biochemical reactions such as L-proline aminopeptidase test (Prodisk, Remeb, Lenexa, KS, USA) were identified as C. difficile strains and stored at 4...
Gram staining as well as catalase and oxidase tests were performed. Spore formation tests were carried out on each strain as previously reported [25]. The morphology of these three new species was investigated using a scanning electron microscope (SEM; Hitachi High-Technologies, Tokyo, Japan) (...