The initiative to combat domestic violence comes as part of target 13 under the National Agreement on Closing the Gap, which calls for a reduction of at least 50 per cent of all forms of violence against First Nations women and children by 2031. Read morehere. Tullawon Health Service Inc ...
TARGET 5 - Students achieve their full learning potential READ MORE + TARGET 5 Students achieve their full learning potential 100%80%60%40%20%0201620212031target63.2%68.1%96% By 2031, increase the proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (age 20-24) attaining year 12 or equiva...
CLOSING the Gap (Australia)RESEARCH integrityThis article analyzes Queensland perinatal data from 2011 to 2020 to measure progress towards the Closing the Gap target for healthy birthweight in Indigenous babies. The study finds that the current approach of assessing healthy birthweight bas...
We crunched the data to come up with a target list of seven fast-growing emerging markets with which Britain and its neighbours need to trade more if they’re to optimise their growth trajectories.How well does the G7 trade with the E7 right now? In a word, poorly...
musttargetresourcesforschoolsbasedon theirlevelofneed.Evenifyoulevelthe playingfield,theachievementgapwillstill exist.Moreneedstobedone.” EquityInvestments Tempessaysweknowwhatstrategiesare likelytohelpschools,buttheachievement gapcallsforaconcertedefforttocombine thosestrategiesinlow-performingschools. Herecommen...
Closing the GHG mitigation gap with measures targeting conventional gasoline light-duty vehicles – A scenario-based analysis of the U.S. fleet Examined GHG mitigation measures targeting gasoline vehicle (ICEV-G) technologyHigher efficiency, hybridization & downsizing help ICEV-Gs meet GHG targetsS....
Figure 1. Workflow of the locomotion policy training framework from Isaac Sim to Isaac Lab Goal Train the Spot robot to track target x, y, and yaw base velocities while walking on flat terrain. Observation and action space The target velocities are randomized at each reset and provided...
Your target is to close the anion gap, normalize pH, and normalize bicarbonate safely while avoiding hypoglycemia and hypokalemia.[5,6,8]Measure glucose every hour, and watch urine output. If the patient is not producing urine, consider renal failure and/or shock. ...
Despite the ambitious pledges, several emerging countries still lack an actual progress towards the envisioned goals, often due to the scarcity of accurate data. Here, we propose a practical methodology for bridging the gap between the wind energy targets and their implementation. We illustrate our ...
Southeast Asia, for example, has an overall index score 7% above the sample average, as compared with the average of 17% of the top-indexed countries in our survey (as seen above in Figure 1). However, compared with the rest of the data set, the region stands out for its combination ...