Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cancer treatment is getting a significant funding injection with a new grant scheme and $9.6 million investment by the federal government. On Wednesday, the government announced Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations and the research sector will conduct i...
The article discusses the action plan of the British government which is aimed at reducing social exclusion. The scheme includes provision of support and a disciplined framework to families at the earliest opportunity. In conne...
In a log-linear setting, it is possible to evaluate the relationship between estimates using emission per labour (E/L) and estimates using emission per value added (E/VA). The log-linear relationship between emission per value added and labour productivity (VA/L) is given by E/VA = ...
the success in Japan following its reimbursement scheme for Fracture Liaison Services (FLSs)and last year’s announcement of agovernment-funded osteoporosis knowledge center in Stockholm, Sweden– however, global efforts to tackle the treatment gap fall short of...
Due to the well known state space explosion this technique often collapses already in step 1 or 2 without(!) any useful results. On the other side sophisticated iteration techniques based on tensor algebra, cf. [1], allow the application of an iterative scheme without explicitly generating the...
Using Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme data to understand the use of smoking cessation medicines by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander smokers (PBS) compared to those supplied nationally through the Closing the Gap (CTG) measure and also in the Northern Territory through the Remote Area ... S Keita...
The first Saving Gateway pilot took place between 2002 and 2004; a second, larger pilot is currently underway. This article outlines the key findings from the evaluation of the first Saving Gateway pilot.1 Overall, the results are positive—the scheme has encouraged participants to save, and to...
The most common aggregation scheme is the weighted arithmetic average, i.e.(1)yj=∑i=1dwixji,j=1,2,⋯,nwhere xji is the normalised score of individual j (e.g., country) based on the value Xji of the ith raw variable i = 1, …, d and wi is the nominal weight assigned to ...
This partition scheme was selected to guarantee sufficient statistical power to estimate speciation and extinction rates with both phylogenetic and fossil data. As with the constant rate model, we first ran the analysis under the assumption of independent rates to assess whether the BDC model was ...
The non-hydrostatic dynamics equations are integrated without any nudging with a time step of 40 and 30 s for the simulations at 9 km and 6 km, respectively. For all the runs presented here, clouds and associated microphysical processes are represented with the Ferrier new Eta scheme [31], ...